Everyone is healthy and happy. Smells are amazing!
Cut Cal Mag this week. Low EC feeding @ 1.2 ec, balanced feed. 5ml Micro, 5ml Grow, 10ml Bloom, 5ml Diamond Nectar and 1/4 tsp. Magnesium Sulfate. PPFD ranges from 900 to 400.
I believe the stretch is finally done. Plants topped out at:
Imperium X - 29"
Future #1 - 44"
Grandaddy Purple - 45"
Big Bud - 27"
Wedding Cake - 34"
Looks like Grandaddy Purple will finish first and Big Bud to follow. Too early to call the other three.
Bud structure:
Imperium X - Extremely short internodal space, round, lush, flowers with thick white pistils. Very leafy, which may be due to excess nitrogen prior to flip. Hard to do her justice in photos due to the dense foliage.
Grandaddy Purple - Rock hard buds, coveredb in trichomes. Super sticky. Small pistils and tips of calyces are turning deep purple. These buds will look great jarred up.
Big Bud - Dense buds with good trichome development. Short internodes and all tops will have nice colas.
Future #1 - Wow, what a beast. She's really just getting started and has dense flowers, long, lush, white pistils and great trichome development.
Wedding Cake - Just beginning to develop, but has almost zero stem, with flowers running the entire length of the branches. The seem a little on the loose side. Interior calyces and trichomes are a beautiful shade of lavender and purple.
Imperium X - Gasoline, clove, chocolate
Future #1 - Pine
Grandaddy Purple - Diesel, citronella, berry
Wedding Cake - Eucalyptus, cedar, vanilla
Big Bud - Citronella