Do you water too frequently or dump gallons upon gallons on your plant? Is this a trick question?
1) water entire pot... 10% runoff with soilless.
2) wait for appropriate dryback for the medium as constituted.
3) repeat.
It's that simple. With a high water-capacity media wait for top 1" to dry. Media constituted differently that hold less water per volume you'll want to re-irrigate sooner than that. Learn the weight loss as that is the best trigger for 'next' irrigation.
If normal irrigation causes this, it is the fault of how the substrate is constituted and nothing else. Add more perlite or similar if this occurs.
A root zone issue caused by bad watering habits could definitely cause what you see. It could be other causes, too, as it is not a discrete symptom to 1 cause.
Sounds like you caused the wilt given your description of how dry and lightweight the pot was. It may not bounce back immediately. If it was dry for too long it may have died. Give it a moment, it'll be obvious soon enough. Don't choose the volume to give... you give enough to get the job done. you are most likely causing this problem with bad watering habits. in soilless water until 10% or more runs out the bottom (important to maintain equilibrium in soilless context), in soil you want a minimal runoff to ensure the entire thing gets wet each irrigation because you don't want to leach off the amendments that come in the soil that you paid for. You give enough to accomplish the task, not some predetermined number you made up in your head.