I can’t believe it’s week 7 already these weeks have been flying by these lady’s have been really easy to grow so far not much slowly them down I have been putting them threw the ringer with trying new stuff and they both are doing great I’m thinkibthe bigger lady’s actually a male it’s funny how the bigger stronger faster ones are usually males and the lady’s grow low and slow hmmmmm.
@Majormolasses,in your case i would start growers question. here are so many eyperienced growers that can answer this question very good.for the next 6 weeks iam only for minutes online . sry for the short answer
@Majormolasses, There should appear a VPD Chart where you can look in wich stage you need wich rh in dependence of temperature
I checked it this morning it leads you to the VPD schedule
@Mrs_Larimar,ohhhh okay I see now yes I have never heard of them that’s why I asked. And all check them out though. I enjoy this optic 2 very much so far ☺️
@Majormolasses,yes i am talking about yours , i was looking at the picture #13. and thought it were greenception cluster.looking very similar, 2 cobs and around infrared and uv and regular Led. then i saw the "optics" picture
Its normal that males are faster, they die earlier^^ just like in mankind lool. Ok i stop joking now, nah its like that , male plants are earlier"grownup" and read to reproduce, and after given their semen they die.
Female plants need more time they have to build flowers and in the end " fruit"
Ok have a nice time
Germinated 9 seed only 4 made the cut sadly. I wish more would of popped but that’s okay, for being seeds that I have had since I was 20, and I’m now 25 :)