24/11 Starting off Week 2, they have finally found the gas pedal and are stepping on it!
I Added a bowl of water to increase humidity and toned down my exhaust a notch, didnt think it would help that much, but boy it did help! Tent is sitting at 60-65%, at Plant Level its around 70%. Up from 45-55% which i guess definitely helps the little ones.
Also increased ppfd to 350 by bringing the light a tad closer.
Watering hasnt happened yet, soil still wet, will probably happen on 25 or 26. Will also start giving BioBizz BioGrow by then, though probably starting with 1ml/L instead of 2. Rootjuice and Activera will stay the same.
lets see though!
25/11 Watered with 1L per plant, added 1ml/L BioGrow to ease them into the coming abuse. i ordered microbes just to give it a shot, will add them with the next watering.
27/11 Photoshooting! im happy with the growrate now. they had a slow start (or maybe im just spoiled by the banana purple punches, which i topped on day 12 lol) but theyre picking up the pace now.
29/11 Added Timelapse. See you in week 3!