The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

1-Cereal Milk Photo Fem Organic Grow VS 1-5x5 Grow Tent

2 months ago
OPPRUI Light Emitting Diodes/420W
OPPRUI Light Emitting Diodes/420W
Generic 5x5
Grow Tent
Ventilation Fans
Generic 6in Carbon Filter
Air Filters
Central Heating and A/C
Air Conditioners
DIGITEN DHC-101 Humidity Controller
CO2 Generators
Room Type
weeks 4-7, 9-10
weeks 6-8
weeks 8-10
Grow medium
Peat Moss
Grow medium
Re-Used Compost
Grow medium
4 L
Pot Size
Week 2. Vegetation
4 months ago
24 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
49 %
25 °C
25 °C
4 L
76.2 cm
GIVE THIS GROW A THUMBS UP 👍 WEEK #2 DAY 9: She was stunted day 6 & is recovering from that currently . She is in a 5x5 with 3 autos between 35-42 days old . The plan is to veg this single Cereal Milk out to fill this entire 5x5 once my Autos are harvested . This is my first run with this cultivar & breeder however it was an easy choice considering I adore the taste , smell, & smoke of the strain! Week 1 issues: The tents VPD was out of whack . Due to the VPD being out of proportion slowed/stunted growth occurred equally across all 4 plants in the tent . Plants showed deficiencies of CalMag and interveinal yellowing , necrosis leaf spots , reddening leaf petioles & leaf stems slowly progressing in the worst affected plants to red leaf veins & lastly droplets of condensation on the leaves (plants were sweating) Anyways after I fixed the VPD issues , I added a makeshift dome for humidity retention of the Cereal Milk & 3 days later which is today she has added 2 new nodes almost catching up to where she would be with normal healthy unstunted growth at day #9. She was transplanted from her starter pot last night into a 2 gallon with plenty of dry amendments mixed in for a 6-8 week veg. I’m debating on scrogging this plant or LST & Supercropping the SHIT out of this plant . I’ve never scrogged before and am not welcoming any new learning curves at the moment which is my main reason not to even though I think it may be the biggest help to filling this tent & “supporting” the enormous load of bud sites I am planning to grow . I worry about to inconvenience of defoliating & training branches down without being able to get around the outside of my tent given its location in a corner . If I had anticipated wanting to grow a single 2lb + plant when determining my grow location I would’ve placed it more ” openly “. If I can think up a work around to canopy maintenance so that I can keep it clean & by the books I’ll quit complaining & try it . Otherwise she’ll be LST’d & Supercropped OR topped and mainlined . Day 14 END OF WEEK #2 I’ve added remote temperature & humidity monitoring/controller. Now I can monitor the dips & swings while making adjustments to better dial things in . (Just trying it on for size here , for full disclosure I am not in love with it & if I can not modify what it is that is bothering my existence I WILL be returning this unit AND purchasing another brand with the capabilities I am looking for the connectivity for this specific unit I am trying was a BIG deciding factor for me but all in all is not enough to make me settle on this one if I can potentially have it all. . Odds are highly leaning towards returning this unit .) Finally raised the pot to level with the older girls in flower currently . I was wrong when I reported in setup that she was “30 inches “ from the light . She in fact was 35 inches‼️away so I raised her to be 26 inches from the light by placing a 1 gallon bucket beneath her . I WILL NOT LET THE MID-END OF FLOWER & DRYING to cause my run to get derailed
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Week 3. Vegetation
4 months ago
12.7 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
50 %
25 °C
24 °C
4 L
66.04 cm
Day 15 Update : Decided to grab a tape measure to check canopy heights on a whim and discovered that my light was hanging 35 inches from “Cellie” Cereal and Milk . Wowzers 👀! So I raised the plant to be 26 inches from the light that I also dimmed down to about 40% . It works out that I can try to get the most out of the end of flower stretch for the older gal who shall no more than be mentioned for reference to accentuate the great glorious glamorous “Cellie”. The humidity plummeted after I did a major defoliation of the older gals so I adjusted the airflow rate of the lower in-line fan and the upper inline exhaust fan with the carbon filter . I lowered them both to the lowest setting & the humidity returned to “normal” Let me explain my reasonings/thinking behind my adjustments which are experimental at BEST. It’s worth also mentioning without having to preset a single thing on my 70pint Dehumidifier located inside this tent it is legitimately only plugged into my PRESET humidistat controller which is set to 50%-46% RH WITH an alarm on highs of 55% and lows of 43% . In real life what this translates to is when this humidity controller triggers the dehumidifier ON @50%RH immediately the fan of the Dehumidifier begins running. However this does not help the rising humidity that is occurring (it will reach 55%-60.2%RH ). Given a fixed amount of time , the condenser(atleast what it sounds like . .again, it could be anything) turns on . It is when this “condenser” “sounding” component begins working that the humidity IMMEDIATELY plummets down to my low point of 46% So to make a long story short the humidity gets vacuumed to 46%RH & the dehumidifier turns off, bc of the PURPOSEFUL EXPERIMENTAL TWEAKING making all air exchange fans low leveled the humidity slowly but steadily rises to 50%RH then the dehumidifier is triggered on but only the fans initially and the humidity eventually reaches 55%RH-60.2%RH & then the humidity gets all its hair snatched out by the dehumidifier and drops back down to 46%RH. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 with all that said of anybody was even interested per my tents leaf canopy height temperature average good to great OR LITE GREEN TO DARK GREEN VPD for my temperature begins @ 60 & ends @ 52 which is kind of a perfect storm for OUR GIRL “CELLIE” oooooooorrrrrrrrrrr sssssssoooooo I think/hope . She still hasn’t needed watering since being transplanted, she should now ready and willing to stretch those toes and we need the opportunities to top water that soil a few times to make those dry amendments available to her . More pics of later the week coming as we go . . Hopefully . Diligence is a practice Day #17: giving her some water today, no specific amount just until she feels the right amount of “heavy”. She was given 3 different batches of water once ph’d to 6.3 once ph’d to 6.7 one ph’d to 6.5. She’s grown an inch in 2 days. Also swapped out the smart hygrometer system to a different brand . So far it has all the capability I was looking for but I need to run 2 more experiments to know for certain it lives up to my needs and its price tag 😁 Day 18 Update: she grew an inch taller nice 👍 The smart hygrometer system has reported/experience Bluetooth failures twice already(although I don’t know exactly what that means considering I purchased this for it’s Wifi capabilities ) I didn’t think to check it whilst I was away so I cannot yet say If it meets my final expectation/need I bought a soil ph meter & it indicates “my mix” is at 3.1 ph 👀 hmm 🤔 I’m wondering if this is a must fix or can I get by .eventually she will be transplanted and at that time I can use my new digital soil ph probe to construct her new blend moving forward but I am curious is I mixed another batch at 3 something ph would it matter ? In the beginning I wasn’t ph’ing any of my watering just because I assumed my soil mixture was highly acidic because of the 70ish pecernr peat moss base . I also assumed that it would be acid fixing for the water I put in it and therefore wouldn’t need to ph it and I did just fine just giving plain old tap water when thirsty until I experience VPD issues & in an effort to pinpoint what my exact issue was and how to fix it I of course eliminated all the variables and dialed in on my ph of my feed water and now my soil so it leaves me wondering does the soil need to be relatively 6.1 ph or is the 3.1 I’m flying at alright also . I checked the other 3 currently in here getting through flower & two of them are in the 3’s for ph & one of them is 6.2(the largest of them all) how ever she was the largest of them all always and oddly enough I mixed one big batch for them and transplanted them at the same time so I get two of them having the same ph as “Cellie” but the other that is in ph heaven is an oddball Should I top her here or supercrop later hmm I need to decide my vision for this thing Day 19 Update: ponytailed her youngest internode for about 16hrs she aggressively popped out of it twice ! It didn’t even work for 24hrs when I try it again it’ll be before the internode is so strong . Also rigged up a 16in oscillating wall-fan that currently being held with 2 zip ties , 2 rubber bands , & a smidget of duct tape and MAJORITY OF FAITH keeping it in place . The biggest plus to my added circulation is that I got the 16in fan for ! A win is a win . Pics uploads will be held for the next 3 days until the end of week 3 upload . Drop a thumbs up Day 20 Update : THE FAN FELL! But no one was damaged or injured . I re-rigged it . This time with duct tape , 3 popsicle sticks , 2 heavy duty zip ties & 1 regular strength zip tie . SHES SOLID NOW 😂 I did some solid rigging this time & have videoed my handy work . Also I forgot to turn my A/C back on before leaving the house so temps and humidity skyrocketed and swung for 9 hours until I got home . The temp in the tent was 84.4 and the humidity went from 42.4 to 57.5 to 42 every three mins. Day 21 Update : SHES A PRETTY GIRL. RQS says Cereal Milk is a slightly sativa dominant hybrid but the pheno of this particular seed seems to lean more towards indica I’m not mad at it ! I’m getting more stoked to see what she can do. She still hasn’t received any additional water since day #18.
Week 4. Vegetation
4 months ago
16.51 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
46 %
25 °C
23 °C
4 L
63.5 cm
Day #24 I gave her some water although she wasn’t asking for it and did not absolutely need it . I will try and wait until she’s positively thirsty before I water her again. My tent humidity has been dropping as the pots dry out but when I check the moisture levels it shows “normal” also as my pots dry out the ph of the “medium” has risen to 6.8-7.1 . Deeeeeeeep at the bottom of the pot it is 5.5. I’m curious about the fluctuations of “soil medium” . Thought to check the accuracy of my ph pen today before watering & discovered it is out of calibration 2 weeks after initially setting it up . I think I’ll look for another PH pen that I can rely on however I’m glad I had the foresight to acquire ph solutions to be able check the accuracy of the calibration of my pen. I don’t want to feel the need to recalibrate before each use nor the desire to check the accuracy each time which is why I sprung for a more expensive pen this time rather than a “ super value “ ph . Back to the drawing board to find a better product . I am still happy with the performance , accuracy & reporting of my smart hygrometer. I am very glad I sent back the original one and replaced it with a competitor brand . I’m wondering should I be getting ready to give her a top dressed feeding in one week . Orrrrr will I wait until she starts showing hunger signs . I premixed more than the recommended amount of plant food when I transplanted her from her starter pot day #9. I’ll think on it a little more. Day 26 Update: She has EXCELLENT structure without any LST, Topping, or SuperCropping. Ponytailing has definitely brought out great growth. I’m a little sad. I believe that I’ve misused the total flower time of the 3 autos finishing in this tent. They have all been in flower since week 2 & 3 of their life . They are currently in weeks 7 & 8 of their life. I was thinking an 8 week flower but these look as if they can go 12-15 weeks. Sooo put simply, these autos may remain in my 5x5 the entirety of my 3 month vegging of “Cellie” Cereal Milk by RQS. The best shots will come once the tent gets harvested & she gets scrogged down . I’ve plucked 2 fan leaves finally although I really don’t want to defoliate any yet . Her lateral growth shoots are healthy and tenacious. I’m super happy with the number of arms & equality of height in the arms . I may eventually be interested in topping this naturally bushy plant . I really want a dramatic filling of this tent so I’m encouraging an over abundance of multiple branches. Branches that I will eventually tie down . Day#28 Update: she finished the week well & is becoming voluptuous . Given her majority indication indica leaning pheno is taking up this Gaia Green like a champ & I was questioning just how tall I think she’ll grow before growing/being trained to grow as wide as the tent . She may be a squat but wide bush 😂 . It’s too soon to tell, the lights are still between 40%-50% & watering is only sparingly as needed the last watering age received was day # 24. Give us a like. Week 5 has began !
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Week 5. Vegetation
3 months ago
21.59 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
50 %
25 °C
23 °C
4 L
63.5 cm
Day#29Update : I took off about 8-10 fan leaves although I really did not want to take anything . I pony-tailed her main top although I wanted to pony-tail each of her tops . I’m hoping this second lite defoliation establishes those lateral branches letting them become symmetrical with the main top . If this happens I’ll pony-tail each branch for a day or two then when I untie them I’ll top each branch . For now that’s the plan , make as many arms “branches” with equal growth to the central “main” branch . Day#30 update : she’s been ponytailed for an entire 24hrs which is a 1st she always breaks out of the tie . This makes me happy I timed it better . Usually I ponytail her top when it’s slightly to large/strong so the benefits are short lived at most about 8hrs which still definitely helped those lateral branches reach the light but I was aiming to ponytail her at a smaller growth so that it would remain restrained until I decided to remove it . She’s almost ready for a drink . She could go for one today but I really want to wait until she’s absolutely famished and begging for it . So I’m going to wait another day or two then water her until runoff . The last time she received water was day #24. Day#31Update: well she’s still pony-tailed ! I’m shocked and amused . I’ll let her down finally tomorrow . Made it through an entire month she’s only gotten more beautiful since fixing the VPD issue. I broke and gave her water before she was absolutely begging for it . Mainly to address the low and falling humidity in my tent . I don’t want to lose anymore precious time dealing with issues and setback on those autos finishing up in here . After I last watered the tent day #24 I did a massive leaf defoliation of the flowering girls which dropped the overall tent humidity massively . So I adjusted the intake/exhaust fans as well as the oscillating fan to allow the humidity to rise in the tent . That worked well enough until but as the girls drink slowly the humidity is back falling again into the 45s. I don’t want it in the 40s until buds are swollen . I mixed up a gallon on water and added an ounce of trace micronutrients to it and ph’d it down to 6.4 loaded it into a 1gallon sprayer & sprayed my 3 autos . Having a little less than 1/4 gallon of this full strength solution I decided to see what my Cereal milk plant was made of and gave it to her . I haven’t given any of these girls a full strength dose of anything other than the Gaia Green . At day 42 & Day 35 of the autos in flower I did a too dress of flower nutes & a week later all 3 ladies showed burnt tips so I very well may exacerbate the issue by giving them a full stenches feeding of micronutrients . “Cellie” who went into this 1 gallon pot day#9 is showing what looks hunger signs with the yellowing of the lower leaves . Maybe because I’m letting her go thristy considering there should be 28 days of food in this medium at minimum really even more considering I added more than the recommended amount . So we’ll see. Month 1 Veg went great excited to see what kind of bush she looks like at the end of month 2 and fingers crossed by month 3 she’ll be read to flip to flower and scrog down Day#32 Update: RELEASE FROM PONYTAIL PRISON so to speak 😭. She has so many tops already ! It’s going to be a pleasure and a joy to defoliate her , ponytail all her tops for a couple days , then release the ponytails & top all the main tops once to widen her up some more ! She hasn’t shown signs of stress from that full strength micronutrient feeding I gave her last night so that’s wonderful . She’s going to look absolutely crazy when I strip her bare of a lot of these leaves and ponytail those tops BUT the woman she will be once she fills back out will be worth the temporary tragedy . It will take her relatively 14 days to rebound from the defoliation I’m going to put on her if I go as heavy as I’m planning to .
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Week 6. Vegetation
3 months ago
22.86 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
48 %
25 °C
22 °C
4 L
76.2 cm
Day#37 update: i finally made her beg for her water . The way all her leaves are hanging at a downward angle , then in the 1st video if you look you can see her “drooping” leaves begin to “pray” stand themselves back up. O watered her to run off then did a life-medium defoliation instead of a super heavy one like I planned and then I “ponytailed” each of her main tops to allow the other nodes to become strong to produce more branching . Day#40Update: the re-growth from defoliating & pony tailing has been decent . On one or two she’s trying her hardest to break out of the tie. I’ll release her from the ponytails later today & we’ll see where we are in two days for day #42 week 6 The plan is still to top all her main tops after untying the ponytails . Day#42 Update : end of week #6 she’s growing so evenly and well that I ru still don’t see a benefit in topping. These lateral sode branches are growing for what they know . She’s a squat plant for sure but man is she full. She’s been in this one gallon since day #9 so it’s been 33 days she should be asking for food soon . I’m debating on top dressing her in the one gallon or up-potting during a transplant for her . Part of me wants to skip forward straight to a 6gall pot but part of me is saying to “punish” her a little more and leave her in this pot a few more weeks .
Used techniques
Week 7. Vegetation
3 months ago
22.86 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
48 %
25 °C
22 °C
4 L
76.2 cm
Week#7 Day#44 Update: shes looking nice and bushy from the ponytailing. I gave her a half a gallon of water and she drank it right up . I gave it to her day 42 I believe I noticed her leaves droopy. I still have not topped her yet there’s atleast 13 main arms needing to be pinched out currently. I’m still riding the fence with whether I’ll top dress feed her and keep her in this pot for one more month or will I transplant her up and boost the feed proportionately with the increased pot size . Week#7 Day#45 update since I can’t seem to stop riding the fence on the methods I want to use to grow this plant I decided I atleast needed to do a heavy defoliation to expose those growth sites to encourage more branching . I could continue with ponytailing & defoliation for a while I just keep kicking the can around on whether topping will make this healthy vigorous growing plant better . It’s already doing everything I could ever want in terms of lateral growth . Could it stand to be a bit more vigorous on the upwards growth ? Sure , however I’ve still got 3 ladies maturing up in this tent that I need to move out so I’m sort of happy shes not requiring a lot of leg room know what I mean ? I think as the fan leaves grow out I’ll pony tail up each top again . Week#7 Day#46 No changes Week#7 Day#47: started pony tailing her tops as the fan leaves get large enough to pin up I’ll cover as many as possible to let those lower growths get growing . Week#7 Day#48: still pony tailing tops 😁 we’ll make her into a Week#7 Day#49: those new fan leaves neeed to be pony tailed but are also incredibly yellow . I wanted to try putting the dry amendment at the bottom of my planter but for the sake of time I won’t experiment & have wasted a 2 weeks considering I knew last week she “ should be getting hungry “ & it’ll take 1 week of top watering before these dry amendments are available to the plant so she may stay e looking deficient. I gave her 2 heaping tablespoons & watered her in with 1/2 gallon of ph’d water with (organic)cal mag .
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Week 8. Vegetation
2 months ago
29.21 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
48 %
25 °C
22 °C
4 L
76.2 cm
Week continued pony-tailing tops until the middle of the week some tops outgrew the ties . She’s grown back week after that defoliation . I’m proud of her she’s almost 1 ft tall 😂. Shes truly a shrub like plant now. We’re waiting for those dry amendments to become available to her and are hopeful for the next 4 weeks to be explosive in uniform growths across the canop
Used techniques
Week 9. Vegetation
2 months ago
30.48 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
48 %
25 °C
22 °C
4 L
76.2 cm
WEEK#9 DAY#56 :She could use some water . Easy going grow , slow vertical climb multi-lateral branching . I could selectively prune to encourage vertical growth but at this time I think the grow is going fine . I anticipated the plant being larger at this time athough I’ve never grown this strain before to know what to expect I think another 4-6 weeks of VEG will do her nothing but JUSTICE . Still watering to make those dry amendments available . After these 28-31 days we’ll transplant her into her final 6gallon pot . Or atleast I think that will be her final pot I see the benefit of stepping up pot size gradually and honesty think the growth is healthier when done that way I’m just being lazy and don’t feel like up-potting 3 or more times . I just wanna make small adjustments and move on ya know ? Week#9Day#56Update: 2/3 older girls showing signs of flushing, there’s heavy yellowing top of the plant & purple hues beginning to show. The two of them should have 3-4 weeks left & the buds have not even began to swell yet so I’m worried I missed my feeding time after I gave them nute burn beginning of flower so my fear is that my bud won’t swell & I’ve just jacked up my harvest the last half of flower. I’m going to try & get small amounts of nutes in there to help the bud develop without giving too much to mess up the end of flower flush . The final older girl isn’t showing any signs of flush it is the smallest of the 3 & therefore perhaps did not consume as much food as the other 2 girls is all I can think considering all three ladies soil came from the same batch of premixed “soil” they weren’t individually mixed It’s almost time to get these older girls out & get some note-worthy shots of “Cellie” growing All ALONE into this 5x5. Heavy heavy heavy defoliation. Will pony-tail when the fan leaves grow back out Week#9 Day#63 Update: started pony tailing her tops that are large enough to pin back without decapitating/severing the top . The top dress feeding I gave her still hasn’t become plant available yet. She’s still yellowing . I’ll be glad to see her park back up & continuing growing on. I purchased some worm castings I’ll top dress with a few tablespoons before watering her in & see if that perks her up until the Gaia Green is broken down. Shes almost tall enough to come down off that 1gall bucket even before transplant into a 6gal planter like the older girls finishing up .
Used techniques
Week 10. Vegetation
2 months ago
30.48 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
48 %
25 °C
22 °C
4 L
76.2 cm
More heavy defoliation more pony railing tops as they grow out . Before there were 11 tops tied now there were 18 tops tied . Overall she probably looks the exact same as 4 weeks ago but she has been doing a lot of leg work for the the grow to come . I’m still waiting to see these top dressed nutes start becoming available to her . I’m also curious to see what response , if any, she gives to the worm castings I topped dressed her with . She’ll be going to a 6 gal pot in about 3-3&1/2 once it’s time to feed her again . At the exact End of this week I’ve just untied all her tops . Give us a like .
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Week 11. Vegetation
2 months ago
33.02 cm
24 hrs
24 °C
No Smell
48 %
25 °C
22 °C
4 L
76.2 cm
She still hasn’t settled in nicely from her top dressed amendments. Shes growing but not flourishing like I’d like . Her leaves are all different funky shades . Her pots’ dried out a ways and her top soil is bone dry but I’m going to wait a couple/few more days before I offer her more water Update: shes showing deficiencies, I haven’t been in the grow room for over a week and a half so I could begin to say what’s going on . I’ll have a look at the past data to try and gauge what may be the issue . I don’t fee she has began accessing her top dressed nutrients I could be wrong and perhaps she has an appetite larger than that 1gallon feeding schedule & wants more food . I’m working non-stop so when I get a second to myself I am not checking things out . I’ve been enjoying being on cruise control check back in later in the week .


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