Long week!
Moved her over to a bigger space to stretch, and to start to began eating!
She went into 1 gal fabric pot, Where I tried to " remix " coots soil recipe .
Here's what we have mixed up.
Pro-Mix HP - 12.5 cups ( roughly 3/4 )
*Worm Castings - 2.5 cups
*Kelp Meal - 1.5 Tbsp - .5 tbsp inside transfer hole
Alfalfa Meal - 2 Tbsp
Gypsum - 1.5 Tbsp
Bone fish meal - 1.5 Tbsp
Azomite - mineral - 1.5 Tbsp
*Gaia all purpose 4-4-4 - 3 Tbsp
*Photosynthesis plus - Minimum dose ( Heard amazing things. Smells like its strong )
BioChar - 1/4 cup
*Trifecta Mycro - 1 tsp - Inoculate roots ( spread on roots and transfer hole )
(I've added * to ingredients That were largly suggested and I would try with other soils and mediums )
Using distilled water. Adding a pinch of Epson salt to raise EC .
The current light (MediGrow Sun v2-320w ) was kicked up from 40% to 60% .
**** Turning up the lights to 60% and 24" from canopy started to impact plant negatively . Light stress and Burn kicks in.
The plant is almost 4" ( at 19 days old) . tight nodes, rough leafs, yellowing / burning of older leaves. Leads me to believe the lights and or cal-mag deficiency.
I've turned down the lights to 40% and raised to about 32" .
---This MediGrow Sun v2 - 320w was made for a 4x4 or 3x3 tent. I'm currently using a 2x2 ..
@Seedsman, Thank you! And thanks for offering these highly exceptional genetics. 😍🙏
I'm genuinely impressed with the plant and look forward to its growth. 💪
I was also interested in obtaining a seedsman logo / sticker to display in my grow tent while growing . Please direct message me if you're able to assist.😎