This is my first grow ever since it turned kinda legal in this Country so i took a proper german approach and put alot of research into this project. As i couldnt decide which germination method i would favor i just combined different germination methods as i put 4 Seeds of Dos Si Dos 33 into dechlorinated tapwater for 8 hours to soak and after i wrapped them into sterile paper towel dumped in water. Leaving the seeds on a plate for another 18 hours until they had a nice visible taproot to put them into Peat pellets for further root development.
Once i saw a healthy taproot shooting through that lower end of the jiffy i later i planted the young little girls into 0.69liter pods in Biobizz lightmix to make sure they wont get burnt early. As you can see one of them had a rough start as she took off her second cotyledon :( i was really shook to see her like that so i helped her out and took of her helmet.
The GC4 was running at 32W single module at that point