Installing the long awaited afterburner as i call it :D the 240W 4x Samsung LM301h Led Stripes with 98diodes are going to help lighting out the whole tent as i felt the need for something to help out my little gc4- shes done a great job so far but cant light out the whole tent alone at this point.
First week of flower and i can see the plants getting really bright green in color which indicates for me that they are about to stretch and be drinkin alot more the next days and weeks to come. I kept watering every 2-3 Days with 5-6 liter of dechlorinated tapwater fertilized with alga bloom 3-3.5ml/l, Biobizz Calmag 0.3-0.5ml/l and Plagron Rootjuice 1ml/l.
The Plant who took of her first cotyledon when sprouting was now showing a lesser stretch so i had to jack her up a little.