Laughing buddha on the left
Sour strawberry on the
12/20 finally topped the laughing buddha. The sour strawberry needs another day or 2.
12/21 topped the strawberry diesel
12/22 nothing super exciting. Lower nodes growth is growing on both.
12/23 still growing. Lsting will start in the next day or 2
12/24. Started to stretch out the third node in either direction on the laughing
12/25 started to train the 4th node on the laughing buddha. Trained the 3rd on the sour strawberry
12/26 all 4 nodes on both plants are now being trained.
The older training lines were pulled a bit tighter today. They will need to be moved in about 2 days.
First fertilizing today with 1/4 strength grow big, 1/2 strength calmag, and full strength grow big. Ph 6.5.
I think i am going to change my grow strategy. I decided I am going to start some other strains i have sitting around collecting dust and I am going to attempt a few grafts on each plant.