The 2 girls are doing good , I forgot to told you that they were veging under a 2x 7w led bulbs but today I just fixed a 150w Hps in a 90x50 tent ( 1.6 tall ) with some other strains✌️🏼
The oldest one is looking really healthy especialy knowing that she's under 7w only , the 3rd node is already there and she seems to wanna push secondaries.
The youngest is healthy too , she's just smallest but hey she's young ✌️🏼
@GreenCasual, I know you choose this strain because it is a fast one but with my setup everything's is slower so I bet on 3 more weeks than the breeder recommendation but That's fine , the breeder also recommend at least 18h of light and so can barely get 12h ( 8 of direct sunlight ) , so I'm pretty sure you'll be the first to harvest 😋
hey bro i will be following along . swing by my journals when you get the chance . i hope to get them interesting for the community . so i will be taking pointers from the best✊