3 step germination process i do. B1 Jiffy peat pellet dunk with 1 to 2 drops of B1 per solo cup of water then dunk the pellets and soak them for 24-48 hours in room temperature in the cup or individual cup. Then as soon as the seeds sprout from a glass of water at room temperature plant each seed a half inch or 3/4 and inch in the expanded soaked peat pellet. Do not use your fingers i know by trial and error it can affect the genetics and damage the seed or stress the seed no matter what in any given grow environment. Cover the cups with either new clear cups or Saran wrap on the opening to retain moisture and keep Humidity High for the seeds to be of a higher standard success rate and develop more genetics traits in the stalk and First True leaf Set if you have something better you would prefer to use for a clear lid top that is up to the grower i prefer those two materials. Last thing i do is spray each day the top of the pellet and the bottom after the first 24 hours, each day after that spray with regular water till the pellet soaks and is wet it usually takes over 24-48 hours after the B1 soak to dry out of the pellet when first starting germination. Good Luck and enjoy my diary to be a better grower to make a better world and thank you. I have them both slanted slightly to get better drainage and root growth it looks like its handling the moisture better in the base in the middle of the jiffy pot were its crucial to watch and feel for overwatering and underwatering. Dimmer is set to 40% in day and 20% at night until sprouted then it will be 40% until two true leaf sets are grown.