
Tha OG#18

6 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
13 L
Pot Size
Grow Conditions
Week 6
18 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
2+ nutrients after
Commented by
No_Clout No_Clout
6 years ago
Tbh it’s looking alright , definitely stunted in growth and couldn’t really leaf braid or LST so I’m just letting it grow how it wants, might put it on something to raise it up to keep an even canopy, but I’ll do that once I know it’s stopped stretching 👌🏻
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Grow Questions
No_Cloutstarted grow question 6 years ago
Their appears to be little brow spots/specs scattered on the fan leaves, I feel like I’ve seen it before but completely forgot what it was so if anyone knows if it’s a deficiency of any kind it would be appreciated. I ruled out nute burn because only one out of four has it.
Leaves. Color - Mottling
Experimentgreenanswered grow question 6 years ago
Hey there, so usually when i see these rust, brown colored splotches my first thoughts are phosphorus deficiency and calcium deficiency...the phosphorus will hit lower leaves and the calcium usually will hit newer leaves but it can also attack leaves that are "growing" so pretty much any vegetative early growing is fair game. But you cant ignore the possibility of pests or root troubles like others mention. ✌️

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Experimentgreencommentedweek 36 years ago
Hey gibby I was just curious how you like to water? It seems like you have a pretty nice nutrient line up. Do you use like 1 gallon containers or a larger one or a blumat type setup? Last summer i kept having a struggle but with only 1 out of 3 plants and i kept trying to fix things and then realized I wasn't continually shaking(stirring) as i was watering so some plants probably got more nutrients than others. I've tried to be a little more precise nowadays
No_Cloutcommented6 years ago
@Experimentgreen, the only thing I dident have in my line up until today was the cal mag, and seeing as it only affected the OG#18 it made me think it had to be the cal mag deficiency, and a reliable mate who’s helped me a lot also thought it was a cal mag def
Experimentgreencommented6 years ago
@No_Clout, I didn't think that your nutrient lineup seemed excessive, but just solid. So that's why I was curious about the watering because it seems like you have everything in place. Nutrient wise, I wonder what and where it's lacking, if you're having a deficiency.
No_Cloutcommented6 years ago
@Experimentgreen,I can definitely rule out pests/root trouble as I’ve never had that problem before, I live in a flat so I rarely get bugs in my spare room and I always make sure when I water the temps are never too cold or too hot, I appreciate the help mate as it does mean a lot.✌️🏻
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PharmaZcommentedweek 16 years ago
Following her life m8! on the same harvest window looks like :) How long you veging?
PharmaZcommented6 years ago
@No_Clout, Haha shh and I forgot these weren’t autos but hey it’s all good, same shit basically recovery will be longer lol Yea get some myco in the holes👍🏼 Btw if ur using bennies make sure if your using any strains of trichoderma not to use in conjunction with Mykos or you’ll have a fungal war, you can look it up✌️🏻
No_Cloutcommented6 years ago
@PharmaZ, thanks mate lmao, you taught me well 😂 I’m using start-R which is pretty much rhizo so I’ll spray with that, also should I sprinkle some mykos around the roots before I TP aswell?
PharmaZcommented6 years ago
@No_Clout, UK give you some feedback so far all the shit I seen you grow looks top shelf! I’d be happy to puff away :?) On a side note, I’ve always found when you TP autos earlier is better. Between 10-14 days judging on size I would say your looking at transplant in 2-3 days max. Or she’s going to start wrapping her roots and dropping, you don’t want that trust me sets you back a week or 2 on harvest at this stage. Rather than watering before you TP get a sprayer/mister soon as you pull the plant out the pot give it a good mist. Using Rhizotonic or whatever your root booster/kelp product you’re using add that at half strength to the sprayer too, good luck👍🏼
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PharmaZcommentedweek 36 years ago
As green was saying about the mixing of nutrients it’s also crucial to have it oxygenated. If it’s stagnent or the fresh water cannot reach the bottom of the coco in the pot it’s time to start getting run off. The humidifier. It’s blowing straight over the plants is probably excessive, could be the plant taking water from that, just a thought...
No_Cloutcommented6 years ago
@PharmaZ, I can’t really move the humidifier cause it’s a rather small tent but I have turned it down from when you mentioned it the other day so it’s not as bad & the the reason u saw the humid air a lot in the video was because on the angle I had my phone but I’ll update everything in the next hour or so to show u the update fella. 👌🏻
PharmaZcommented6 years ago
@No_Clout, Here goes long one lol In your video it looks like the plant is getting the most of the cloud. If the other plant you’re talking about with specks is in the flow as well I would think about moving the thing. Reason for my thought is that when there is a high humidity, water + nutrients won’t be taken up by the roots. Calcium in particular moves into the plant without the need of photosynthesis, magnesium too. They are however imobile meaning once fixed it is unable to move from the cell walls... if the humidity is too high the leaves won’t expel water. Cal is a typical deficiency when humidity too high. You also transplanted them only a week ago if you didn’t soak all of the coco could be no cal available as the coco fibres are absorbing it... Have a look what happens with calcium in coco, it binds to it, meaning you need to charge that shit up so it’s all filled with calcium molecules. Some reliable sources I know use 4ml/l Calmag first 2 weeks. as you know I’ve not used coco for long myself but I’ve read a lot and can guarantee you won’t have any more problems if you keep using 0.5-1ml/l I’d wait till the lights are out and spray some Calmag + that vitalise your on the leaves by the time they come back on again. The plants will have absorbed all the water and you won’t need to do that again for 2-3 days. After the 2 applications just continue with feeding in water The spots won’t go away eventually they will become brown and crisp. So just forget about the leaves that are effected mate concentrate closely on new leaves. ✌️🏻
No_Cloutcommented6 years ago
@PharmaZ, it’s the furthest away from the humidifier and the two close’s are doing fine, and the past two feedings theirs been excessive run-off so I’ve left them to dry for 48hrs then gonna feed them again tomorrow evening about 3.5litres each,I’m not sure to what it is tho cause some the gelato had ting rusty specs but nothing anywhere near as bad. But I’m not sure if the problems fixed
PharmaZcommentedweek 126 years ago
Cut them all the same time or buy a new tent, exhaust and filter... Least then you can grow/flower/dry all at the same time if you wanted to👍🏼✌️🏻
No_Cloutcommented6 years ago
@PharmaZ,I’d love to get another smaller set up but I think I make enough noise in the flat atm lmao but I am planning on cutting them all at same time, when do u think I should start flush?
PharmaZcommentedweek 36 years ago
Mate looking much better! I guess the reason I have so much to say is because I have to rule everything out. Trying to help you by thinking of shit you may not have.. or trying to find out what you have already figured out if you get my drift ;) When you water, do you water them all together in a tray or individually, and are they suspended out of the run off?
No_Cloutcommented6 years ago
@PharmaZ,I totally understand that mate it’s why I reach out to you for help because it’s always better to get a second opinion, I do water them all together but I bring them into the bathtub to save having to Keep emptying the tray each time, I have a long tray (1.75m) which I let them sit in after I watered them in the tub so it lets them drip any excess off before putting them back into the tent.
PharmaZcommentedweek 26 years ago
Yes looks like calcium def to me, what coco you using same or different? Go ahead and get a good run off, drench the pot and add some cal mag. (If you got ec meter check run off ec?) Nutrient companies like canna etc say there is enough cal and mag to use with tap water soft as 0.2-0.4ec but this is just not true because the type of calcium in tap water is not usable by the roots asfik. In coco low ec tap water a healthy dose of calcium & magnesium oxide (canna Calmag)
No_Cloutcommented6 years ago
@PharmaZ,I’m using mills x dna coco & cork, also mills a&b has an extra boost of cal mag supposedly so that’s why I’ve not been adding it into the mix but I’ll see how their like in the morning and hopefully it’s all good as I have them their regular strength nutes at around 3.2litre each to make sure their was run off
Puffer_Billcommentedweek 126 years ago
Sorry to hear that things on this grow didn't work out that well. The cola bud looks pretty frosty. I hope what you did get... blows your head off 😀🔫... in a nice way... of course. 😎✌️🏼
GYOweedcommentedweek 122 years ago
Did u top it?