Totally up to you. In my experience working with pollen is not nearly as much of a risk as most say it is. Fresh pollen in particular is moist (a huge factor in the science of plant spores, namely pollen) and in my experience moist pollen is trivial to work with (it is relatively heavy, not easily airborne, and sticks readily to surfaces). The caveat with that statement is that cannabis in particular has a large range for pollen parameters, so there is always a chance your pollen doesn't behave in this manner. With there only being on one plant, I'd remove them and watch carefully. The primary concern is ensuring no hermaphroditic leaning genes get passed down, so definitely trash seeds if you do end up missing some pollen and it was viable. I had a whorled genetic deformity Irene that loved to make sterile pollen. No matter what, one of the cuttings in a tent would always try. Never pollinated anything but still a drain on time in the tents. As others have said, I would not tolerate this from your supplier. Unless you're keepign an heirloom or your absolute favorite cultivar around, there truly isn't a reason to deal with this these days.