I put light too close for a couple of weeks, and I let my organic soil dry out too much, so it was unable to buffer the PH, then fed with declhorinated tap water but un-ph’d at 7.4= yellowing leaves and purple stems that are closest to the light
I will learn from my mistakes I think I will still get a decent Harvest, they smell perfect..
hi, how are you doing? I saw clearly in the photos that the edges of the leaves are slightly discolored, I think you should slightly increase the dosage, or maybe add cal-mag to nutrition
@zombikush81, hi thanks for the advice. This yellowing leaves/edges/tips was actually caused by light being too close for two weeks. I have leaves which are half in the shade and half in the light,only the half of the leaf in the light is yellowing. The side in the shade is fine. Need to be good distance between canopy and quantum board, this also caused purple stems on one side of the stem that’s facing the light but not the other side
hello, how is ripening going? from these photos or trichomes are 25% / 30% - in fact they are slightly backward, but you will see that they will mature. make it grow. !!