We are now into week 4 growth; the nodes have become super tight. great branching out, will do more LST o help promote some openness for the canopy.
July21; We are reaching into flowering mode now; Miss Tyrone is putting off some dank coffee kush smells right now. Her height is around 12-13" more and more branches are starting and stretching out.
@Teamdirtbag2, thanks man! she's still alive; I kept seeing more swell! so i let her live for the full Day 65; she had a bit more expression left with some of them caylxs to be chopped at those pics.
@Teamdirtbag2, Thanks FarmerBrett, I couldn't believe it when i saw the scales. I expected 50 odd grams. No complaints here! Them autocobs and my p300 are doing the job real well! Great investment on my part.
@BigDaddyK, Thanks Bigdaddyk! Yeah this is the 4th meph i cropped this year; its hard to even look at other stuff now. My tek has improved and I am getting nice buds and yields so far. Can't wait to get some more planted and see how the goldglue unfolds!