A few days after my last post I got my new solistek 630 in, and I hung it up that night. Sadly within 24hrs one of the bulbs blew. I then grabbed a Phillips 315w bulb I have abs immediately it blew. Needless to say I boxed that p.o.s. back up and it's going back. Hopefully by the time the replacement gets here these ladies will be ready to flip.
Anyways. The girls are doing great. Began feeding full line and topped it once. Though I didn't go down very far because I plan on topping one more time just before the flip. I also took some soft ties to spread some of the branches out.
Hopefully the autos will be done before the solistek gets here and then I'll be able to put the GrowersChoice over the babies asap. I'm very disappointed in that solistek but there's nothing for me to do but wait.