I'm not sure if it's genetics, grow environment, nutrients, or all the love and attention I have gave them but the ladies have become MONSTERS! I wouldn't believe you if you told me they were autos. I had to go and buy a huge tent just to house them. They are in full on flower and smell fantastic and aside from the nute burn I got early on they look healthy. Went ahead and added a new 2000W LED cob just to make sure these huge ladies got the proper penetration for their size. Interested in seeing how much adding to the light spectrums will help them continue to fill out. I will be working out of town this week hoping my girlfriend can keep them alive while I'm gone.
@Buddha2, Appreciate it! Ya I should add I used a cob led when they hit flower. I think the different light spectrum between it and my normal leds really impacted its growth during that time. I ended up adding a 2nd 2000w along with those 2 original leds to my 2nd grow and boy are those girls thick!