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HSO 707 Headband/Mango Sapphire Lakeside

5 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
95 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
6 years ago
5.08 cm
24 hrs
22 °C
No Smell
45 PPM
42 %
22 °C
1 L
15.24 cm
Hi folks, This grow comes to you from the 44th parallel in Canada, where for this first time in my life, this grow will be legal. Decided after a decade or more away from journaling that I should get back at it. Selected my genetics to suit the moist climate here in central Ontario. HSO had some interesting strains that caught my eye. This years crop will consist of 707 Headband and Mango Sapphire. Seeds were added to paper towel at 2pm on March 30th. Below are the notes on the selected pheno’s based on seed appearance. 707 Headband 1 - small seed, spotted all around - top left 2 - largest seed, dark shell - right 3 - mid sized, black bottom - bottom left Mango Sapphire 1 - mid sized, orangish bottom, spotted - top 2 - mid sized, pale with white bottom - left 3 - largest seed - dark, light top, brown bottom - right When the times comes, I’ll be using Elemental Nutrient System, which is a “soon to be newly commercialized”, natural salt based nutrient system that I’m familiar with. I’ll be setting these up/starting with 4 x 85w 5500k + 2 x 23w CFL’s. They did me well to start last year’s crop so I expect the same with these. Combined I get 22,000 lumens in a bit less then 6 sq’. This area of my basement is lovelngly know as the nursery. When it’s nice outside, I supplement with the real deal. Aim is to eventually go into 15gal pots. Those are yet to be determined. I’m doing my research on some cloth smart pots, we’ll see. Enjoy, and stay along for the ride, you’re sure to see some monsters. ———————————————————————— 03/31 (Day -2) - all seeds had cracked by 8am this AM. I let them hand in their containers till after dinner. They were all placed in their respective pre-labeled cups and topped with a small ziplock bag. I find this helps when they’re young. I’ll keep them tented for as long as possible. I expect to see them breach the surface by Tuesday They were moved to the nursery today at 9:30pm. Since they are in cups, I only have 1 side of the lights set up. That’s a good thing since the other bulbs are on order. Wintertime causality ———————————————————————— 04/01 (Day -1) - received and installed the 2 missing 85w bulbs. Cups are now under the full 386w nursery lighting. They will remain here till around the 3rd weekend in May. No signs of life yet, but expect I’ll be waking up to at least a few kids reaching for the sun. ———————————————————————— 04/02 (Day 0) - I think I’ll take to editing my weeks rather then comment when I need to. I guess the old ‘forum’ style is what I was used to. As of writing this, 4/6 have broken ground. I noticed one carried her helmet on the way up. I then later noticed a tap root. Crap, is she growing upside down? Nope, there’s the stem. Well turns out we have a pair of twins! Removed the shell casing, and separated the plants. The twin comes from the 707 #2 pheno, so she’ll be closely watched for, well... ever. We’ll give the runt a few days to see what we have. ———————————————————————— 04/05 (Day 3) - busy with work this week and have been letting the ladies stretch their legs. Mango’s are looking good and healthy. Might have a problem with 707 #1 as she’s not bending towards the light at all. Only 4 will go in the ground to meet regs, but I like having the choice of seeing them grow for a more then a month before selection. I might have my hand forced with the 707s. Considering popping the other 2 seeds to ensure I have 2 good pheno’s, but I’m gonna sleep on it. ———————————————————————— 04/06 (Day 4) - woke up to a pleasant surprise. 707 #1 turn upwards and has a small set of Primary fans. I did move them closer to the lights last night, which I forgot to mention which might have helped. Will monitor the runt of the crop and see how she responds from here. ———————————————————————— 04/09 (Day 7) - quick update. I know this week is a bit long, but I never count germination as part of my veg cycles. Today is the last day of week one. No plant pics, but I did decide to pop the remaining 707 Headband seeds. Pheno #1 and #3 are struggling compared to #2. Although #4 and #5 will be a week behind the rest, if they are anything like #2 they should surpass the others in no time. Gotta make sure we have the 2 best of each pheno come mid May
Week 2. Vegetation
6 years ago
7.62 cm
24 hrs
22 °C
No Smell
278 PPM
42 %
22 °C
2 L
15.24 cm
Nutrients 3
Nutri Plus Pure Black 0.5 mll
Grow A - Nutri+
Grow A 0.5 mll
Grow B - Nutri+
Grow B 0.5 mll
04/10 (Day 8) - planted 707 #4  today. As you can see, #4 was ready to go, with #5 struggling like the other 2. I hope they progress else I’ll be at a 60% failure rate. The Mangos are doing very well. All 3 have started on their second set. The lone healthy 707 clearly has a more Sativa appearance to her leaf structure. Can’t wait to see those blossoms! The healthy 4 pheno’s were given a little water today, no measurement, just a splash to wet their whistle The legend for the group shot: Front Row: 707 #2, 707 #1, Mango #2 Back Row: Mango #3, 707 #1, Mango #1 ———————————————————————— 04/14 (Day 12) - we’ll you can’t say you don’t learn new things, even after years of growing. Woke up this AM and all 3 Mango’s we’re quite clawed. The soil was also pretty dry. My first instinct was that they needed a drink. It’s unusual they would wilt at this stage, but it’s also the easiest thing to do. I have them 4 hours and they hadn’t recovered. So I thought they could be bound, so I checked it out. Sure enough, these little babies have some healthy legs. I’ve never in my life had a plant get bound in a solo before 2 weeks. Well, into the bigger pots the Mangos and 707 P2 went. I’ll let the other 707s get a nice ball before I transplant. Everything was a success, so I’ll update with some pics when they recover. NOTE TO SELF: With how quickly these babes got bound, is expect I’ll need another transplant come the weekend of the 27-28. I’ll be watching mid week to check any early signs. ———————————————————————— 04/15 (Day 13) - ladies have recovered both from the transplant, and from being bound. New growth is nice and pointy up to the sky, just how we like it. Since they were so good, I gave them a very light dose of A/B + Humeric Acids. 278ppm @ a pH of 6.50. Gave them each 250ml. The runts are getting there. I checked their roots today and they are at the bottom, just not wrapped yet. I’ll prep tomorrow and check again Wednesday and assess. Likely pot them at that time, perhaps Thursday. ————————————————————————
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Week 3. Vegetation
6 years ago
15.24 cm
24 hrs
22 °C
No Smell
278 PPM
42 %
22 °C
6 L
15.24 cm
Nutrients 3
Nutri Plus Pure Black 0.5 mll
Grow A - Nutri+
Grow A 0.5 mll
Grow B - Nutri+
Grow B 0.5 mll
04/17 (Day 15) - With the start of the new week comes new experiences, and today the girls got their first taste of real daylight. Was a nice 14oC sunny day. Around dinner I took the liberty to transplant 707 P1 and P3 to 3L pots. They weren’t thrilled with the whole ordeal, but I gave them a cup of nutes as a reward. I have 4L ready mixed I’ll use for the next little bit. Easy does it at first till I see how far I can push them. 707 P2 is clearly the winner so far for the headbands, Mango P1 for the Sapphires. P2 and P3 have very similar charastics thus far, but we’ll see once they go into bondage. 707 P1 and P3 are coming along nicely, but I fear for P3. Time will tell but she looks stunted, and typically the roots never quite get there. Here’s hoping she comes around. Regardless, only 4 will make it, it’s a marathon to May 24, not a sprint. ———————————————————————— 04/21 (Day 19) - have been monitoring the girls this weekend closely. Typically I would have started to train them at least a few days before they get transplanted to 3L pots, which would be now. Noticed Saturday roots were poking out the bottom of a few pots. I tipped a few to check and sure enough they are wrapping around the bottom. Decided I would give them tomorrow and transplant them to larger still pots. Once there, I’ll let them rest a day or 2 and begin the big bend. I’m also super impressed with the secondary branching of the 707s. P2 (pictured) clearly show this compared to the Mango P2. The Mango is more what I would expect, the 706 is just crazy. P1 & P3 are exhibiting similar characteristics. The 707s are also clearly sativa dom as advertised, as they already seem more spread out. The Mangos are like little fat plum trees with new growth being closely noded together. ———————————————————————— 04/22 (Day 20) - decided to transplant today so I would slow them down. It was a nice day today so they were outside in the bright warm sun. Grew a ton today so before bringing them in I transplanted the 3 Mangos and 707 P2. I’ll give P1 & P3 a few more days before moving them. Just water to soak the soil. Training should begin tomorrow so long as they have recovered and are perky tomorrow. I’ll give the girls some food this weekend, likely closer to a full dose.
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Week 4. Vegetation
6 years ago
15.24 cm
24 hrs
22 °C
No Smell
480 PPM
42 %
22 °C
6 L
15.24 cm
Nutrients 3
Nutri Plus Pure Black 1 mll
Grow A - Nutri+
Grow A 1.2 mll
Grow B - Nutri+
Grow B 1.2 mll
04/24 (Day 22) - well well well, another week in the books, and another new experience for the ladies. Typically, they would have been in training for a week now, but I changed things up this year. I wanted to ensure the girls keep growing optimally, so opted to delay training for a week to get them transplanted and settled. I believe this will have an overall positive effect as the root system developed in response to my training will have more room to spread. My only fear now is if my 6L pots will carry me till they go outside. Time will tell. They had water during transplant, and they need to dry out more. I’ll like feed over the weekend at a 3/4 or half strength dose to see how they respond. 707 P2 was cleverly built for training. She’s way ahead of her Mango sisters in the secondary growth department. After only 12 hours she’s responding super well. Most Mango’s are fine and responding well. I have a bit of fan leaf curl and slight clawing that’s I'm seeing on P3. I’ll monitor, but I’m not too worried. Could just be training shock. If she’s not perky after today, I’ll start to worry. ———————————————————————— 04/26 (Day 24) - ladies are doing well. No pics tonight just and update and some maintenance. The fans are still a bit off for my liking. I first suspected that their feet were too wet based on the size of their pot. Essentially I’ve moved my transplant schedule up a week each time, so I had theorized their feet weren’t big enough for the moisture in their pots. After nearly a week of no water, and 2 days of close monitoring, I have not seen much recovery so am I’ve ditching that theory. I’m now onto a bit of a deficiency scenario. Figured the girls are now hungry and should be happy in their new home. All of the Mangos and 707 P2 got 750ml of food; 480ppm at a pH of 6.40. I’ve also been misting them with regular RO water to increase humidity and nutrient uptake. I’ll see how they respond tomorrow and take some pics. Hope this gets them back in the fast lane. ———————————————————————— 04/27 (Day 25) - ladies are doing just fine, and I’m stressin about little tiny issues. But that’s how it goes with us growers right? They all responded well to some food. I also took the liberty to tie up both 707 P1 & P3. Pulled down the others a bit more and took a fan off any here and there, a total of 3, all 2nd true sets. 707 P2 continues to amaze. She’s featured in the diary shot for the remainder of the week. This pic is her responding to only 3 days of training. By tomorrow I suspect I’ll be pulling 2 more secondary’s away for a total of 3 T2’s tied down on her after 25 days. @ Humboldt I’m impressed. Mango P3 (wife’s seed pic) is the leader of the pack, and is also starting to produce the secondary growth I like to see. Race for second between P1 &P3. 707 P4 continues to progress in her new pot, and P5 is coming. I’ll likely gift these to other locals to ensure I stay within the limits when they go in for the summer. Good things growing here....
Week 5. Vegetation
6 years ago
17.78 cm
24 hrs
22 °C
781 PPM
42 %
22 °C
6 L
15.24 cm
Nutrients 3
Nutri Plus Pure Black 2 mll
Grow A - Nutri+
Grow A 2 mll
Grow B - Nutri+
Grow B 2 mll
05/01 (Day 29) - a new month, and a new week. Unfortunately Mother Nature has been a bitch around these parts. Haven’t had the ladies outside in a few days now. Since it was so close to a new week, I didn’t update last but did feed the girls on 04/30. Was a bit loose with my measurements but each got around 750mL of 780ppm at a pH of 6.24. 707 P2 continues to amaze me with her secondary growth. All of the pheno’s are responding well to training, with P2 being a monster. The rest are starting to fill out as well. P4 is due for a transplant as her legs are poking out the drainage holes. No idea what the hell P5 is. Mutant for sure. Slow growing, weird fans that are not maturing well at all. I’ll give her a bit more, but she’s dead in my books. The Mango’s are also progressing nicely now as well. Their secondary growth is there, but certainly not as explosive as the 707s. P3 is still leading the pack. The Mango’s are certainly Indica leaning with large and fat fan leafs. These should get massive once they get real sun. The canopy is still only a few inches from the soil line, but the girls are getting tall, that is to say if they were able to grow normal. My goal while they are inside is to train them as much as possible around a circle with the oldest most growth being pulled furthest if possible. I’ll slightly offset the final transplant so the meristem has more room to be trained towards the edge of the pot. This will make sense in a few weeks. 707 P2 for example already has 3 down opposed to her meristem. These 3 will essentially form one boundary of her pot, and the meristem the other. The pot will fill in between with glorious secondary colas, but let’s not get too far ahead just yet. ———————————————————————— 05/05 (Day 33) - was finally a glorious day to be outside, and as soon as the sun hit the back deck, the girls were out. All a bit unruly and in need of some tie backs. They loved the sun! Can’t wait to see them perform in full sun, in giant pots. Took some pics of the leaders (707 P1 & 2 as well as Mango P1 & 3). Interestingly enough, I’d say Mango P1 is out performing the earlier leader P3. Maybe she got some better legs? I snapped a lower off trying P2 back unfortunately. I didn’t try to repair her. 707’s are exploding, and I’m able to start shaping them quite nicely. Clearly P2 had the head start, but P1 is filling in nicely as well. They should get very tall and bushy i suspect. P4 was also transplanted. Didn’t have another bursary pot handy, so made do with something I had on hand. All plants got 750ml of RO water at a pH of 6.84.
Week 6. Vegetation
6 years ago
20.32 cm
24 hrs
22 °C
781 PPM
42 %
22 °C
19 L
15.24 cm
Nutrients 3
Nutri Plus Pure Black 2 mll
Grow A - Nutri+
Grow A 2 mll
Grow B - Nutri+
Grow B 2 mll
05/08 (Day 36 ) - well the start to the new week, and a new problem to deal with. Bit of my fault for not keeping an eye on their legs, but I was in full training mode. I’ll note this for next year. 707 P2 my biggest girl was showing signs of dwarfism (new growth was stunted). I untied her and her roots are, well, not white. After consulting with an old grow buddy, remedy was 2ml h2o2 per liter of water. I mixed up 2L for this girl Loaded my spray bottle and tipped her out. Sprayed her roots down then proceeded to give her the rest of the dose. I’ll let her rest till tomorrow then transplant. Seems she got a bit choked out with her growth and a bit bound. My fault for not recognizing her size to pot ratio. Rest of the crew is doing well. All were fed today. 1L with a TDS of 792 at a pH of 6.24. Mangos and filling in nicely and the rest and catching up in their own way. I’ll be deciding on bigger nursery pots, or final transplant to 45gal smart pots. Wanna sleep on it. Enjoy the pics, more updates this week for sure. ———————————————————————— 05/10 (Day 38) - well that was an ordeal. Made the decision to transplant to 5gal nursery pots. My hand was a bit forced due to my hydro shop (where I get my pots) being in the middle of a location move. Took me forever to track down 5gal nursery pots, but I managed to find them. 707 P1-3 and and the Mango’s were all transplanted on 05/09. I had some medium left, but not enough... doh! I didn’t want to use any type of ‘soil’ so needed to think quickly. Went to my old 2018 plot and dug up some old medium and crushed up some old roots to make it nice and airy. Not ideal, but I know the medium and it was flushed well. Kids, this is why you always ensure you have your supplies for your next phase ahead of time. Once the ladies had a new home, I put them back into my nursery, but that space was never designed for 5gal pots... whoops. The ladies had an uncomfortable night under partial light, so had to fix that today. Created a tent of sorts out of shrink wrap to keep any thing out of the environment, and keep them a bit warmer. Hung my light a bit higher and the ladies have a new home. Tonight is the coldest night for the next 2 weeks, so will monitor how they do Also worth noting the light has been put on a timer. Plants will be weaned down to an 18 hour light schedule by next Saturday (about an hour less of light per day for next week). From here they can go in the ground anytime. I don’t normally do this, but they haven’t been as exposed to sun as I like them to be by this point, and I’ve placed some undue stress on them. Better safe then sorry.
Week 7. Vegetation
6 years ago
25.4 cm
24 hrs
22 °C
40 PPM
42 %
22 °C
19 L
15.24 cm
05/15 (Day 43) - last week was a battle, here’s hoping for a good one this week. Girls were transplanted 05/09 in less then ideal conditions. They’ve done well, but also have battled some cool temps. As you know, I was forced to relocate the nursery. I was hoping for some sunny days to help dry out their legs, but so far no luck. Friday and the weekend is a potential. This week they are on 18/6 now. On at 6am, off at 12am. They will slide nicely into their outdoor world when ready. Due to the extreme moisture, I’ve only been foiler feeding 30 mins before lights out. 870ppm at a pH of 6.78. I fed on 05/14 and will plan to do so again before the weekend. This was also the reason to move faster on my 18/6 switch, they feed better just after lights out. 707 P2 is still showing signs of a root issue. She’s likely not going to make the cut although she is a confirmed female. With 3 other pheno’s on the go I’m not investing the time in her. 707 P3 is also confirmed female, with P1 and P4 yet to be determined All mangos are showing female pre flowers, so I’ll have my choice here. I’ll post more pics when they are outside over the weekend. Hopefully they continue to recover. I’m not almost certain I got a touch of py due to heat. May 5/6 they were outside, pots/roots are black and sucked up the heat. 707 P2 was the largest so more roots exposed at the bottom, and they got hit hard. Good learning for an old converted hydro guy. Still learning, as it should be. Oh, also decided on final pot size of 25gal. The guys at the hydro shop think I’m nuts, but I’m a firm believer in more roots = more fruits. Got 2 108L bags of promix to fill them pots with as well. ———————————————————————— 05/17 (Day 45) - finally some god damn sun. Although it took till nearly noon, the girls are outside and they are also lakeside for the first time. You know the old Ocean grown adage right, well we here in these parts are flipping the script to Lake Grown. So let me formally introduce you to 707 Headband LG and Mango Sapphire LG 😜 Girls have been responding well to the foiler feeding and the sun. Their legs are drying out and things should start to take off soon. They are hungry and I know it. I’ll give them a bit longer to dry before I give them a good dose. First ever LG pics in groups. Enjoy!
Week 8. Vegetation
6 years ago
25.4 cm
14 hrs
19 °C
903 PPM
10 °C
19 L
Nutrients 3
Nutri-Plus Pure Black 2 mll
Grow A - Nutri+
Grow A 2.25 mll
Grow B - Nutri+
Grow B 2.25 mll
05/22 (Day 50) - the girlies were moved permanently outside as of May 20th. The weather has turned and we’re getting longer days. Just need Mother Nature to start to help with some more sun. I’m pretty convinced my early fav (707 P2) is in trouble. She’s putting out new growth, but it’s smaller and not showing traits of bulking her fans as she grows. Likely her root issue. The other phenos are doing well, and I’m sure I’ll be in good shape to pick some choice ladies. The Mango’s are all doing well with P1 leading the pack as she’s now brushing out nicely. The other girls are also progressing well, might be hard to pick a second. Today was the first time the girls had any water since 05/09. Each plant received 1L of nute solution with a TDS of 903 at a pH of 6.68. I know they were hungry, and should reward me over the coming days. Come on sun! This will be the last fed/water till early next week, at which time I’ll make final selection and transplant to the 25s
Week 9. Vegetation
6 years ago
25.4 cm
14 hrs
19 °C
40 PPM
10 °C
95 L
05/29 (Day 57) - well, big developments over here. The final selections were made and those that didn’t make the cut were gifted to another local grower. Good luck to him. The new home for the ladies are 25 gal smart pots, perfectly positioned lakeside, giving them the LG designation. Eventually the pots will be placed on platforms with casters for easy moving. The pots were filled with moistened pro-mix and will be fed on Friday with my new mute regime. More details on that. For the 707 Headband’s we have P2 and P3 that have made the transition and will be flowered lakeside. For the Mango’s we have P1 and P3 making the transition to the dock. All the ladies have been released from their binds to stretch out for a bit. I’ll need to tie down the meristems after the roots have resumed growing. During transplant it was noted that all roots were recovered and were a perfect white. Now the fun begins... ———————————————————————— 06/02 (Day 61) - all the girls have responded well to the transplant, and they are starting to get used to their new environment. They also took to the new nute regime well. They were fed 4.5l of nutrient solution on 05/31. The TDS was 640 with a pH of 6.47. We also had some heavy rain on 06/01 so the nutes should have penetrated well. The girls are responding exceptionally well to their training in the new pots. New growth has accelerated and the fans being produced are much larger. We are certainly headed in the right direction. I re-pulled all staples and pulled away from the stem to extend the shape of the plant. Still quite low as the pot isn’t full yet, so need to keep spreading out vs up at this point. Another few weeks before they start to get ‘high’. I’ll aim to feed again before the new week starts on Wednesday.
Week 10. Vegetation
6 years ago
20.32 cm
14 hrs
19 °C
40 PPM
10 °C
95 L
06/05 (Day 64) - short update. Been raining lots here so not much sun. Girls love their new home and are growing well. Sun forecast for the next 5 days, so will plan to feed sometime over the weekend. I’m still restricting their height till they can get to the edges of the pots, almost there. Then they can go vertical for a month or so and bush out. I’ll provide a further update later in the week, busy times. I’ll also give more info into my nute regime and the producer of those this week as well.
Week 11. Vegetation
6 years ago
20.32 cm
14 hrs
19 °C
40 PPM
10 °C
95 L
06/12 (Day 71) - another week in the books and the girls are flourishing! Mother Nature decided to provide em with some great sun for 4 days straight, and they took in every minutes of it. I’ve switched to the Elemental Nutrient System, and the girls have responded phenomenally. They were fed on 06/09 and were again given a pretty good dose. No signs of burn or over feeding, so I’ll keep pushing. After mixing and adjusting the water, they were each fed 4.5 L of food that had a TDS level of 805 at a pH of 6.50. After feeding they were then given 2L of adjusted RO water to wash the salts down a bit deeper. Love the growth of both strains so far. They have hit the edges of my 25s and I’ll be allowing them to climb now, leveling the canopy, and eventually staking them in prep for flowering. We’re about 8 weeks from trigger at this point I suspect. Good things growing here!
Week 12. Vegetation
6 years ago
35.56 cm
14 hrs
24 °C
730 PPM
15 °C
95 L
Nutrients 3
Elemental Nutrient System - Earth 2.25 mll
Elemental Nutrient System - Air 2.25 mll
Elemental Nutrient System - Fire 2.25 mll
06/19 (Day 78) - the girls are loving life. Been sunny this past week and the girls are soaking it up. They were fed 4.5L of Elemental Nutrient Solution on 06/17. A nice 730ppm dose at a pH of 6.62. Being Sativa dom, the 707s are starting to bush out fantastically. Starting to get a nice round canopy. P3 is the winner with this so far of the bunch. The Mangos are filling out as well, but their tertiary growth isn’t anywhere near the 707s. Clearly indicate dom phenos. Super happy with my picks so far. Now it’s just a matter of controlling their shape as they grow to maximize the sun. Whoever says training outdoor plants is foolish, I’d point them my way. A week or more and I’ll be able to get under them and do some thinning.
Week 14. Vegetation
6 years ago
50.8 cm
15 hrs
28 °C
1120 PPM
18 °C
95 L
07/03 (Day 92) - well, unfortunately there is a blemish on this journal, I missed a week, so my apologies for that. The girls are doing very well, enjoying the lakeside sun. The Mango’s main meristem’s were outgrowing the canopy, and well, getting to strong for my staples so I needed to resort to another method. I pinched them about 3 nodes down pretty hard to break their interior tissue. I let them heal up for 24 hours then bent them over. This snapped their outside wall which was the desired result. Naturally, they are now bent over and again aligned with the canopy. They have already started to recover and knuckle up, so that will help them with their future weight growth. As for the 707s, this sums it up 👏🏻 The phenos are both amazing and look as perfect as could possibly be.
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Week 15. Vegetation
6 years ago
76.2 cm
15 hrs
28 °C
910 PPM
18 °C
95 L
07/11 (Day 99) - I think I’m going to start doing things a bit differently in this journal. I find it hard to recap as I go in my previous week, so starting now, the new week will look back at the previous and have updated pics. Sound good? Last week was a scorcher here, so needed to be on my game for watering and nutes. Gave the girls 18L of nuted solution on 07/07. I haven’t had the time to get large QTYs of RO water, so I’ve been dialing in my tap water. Problem is, it’s 300ppm out of the well. Come flower and flush, I’ll be on RO. All I do is subtract the 300 from the final to know what type of food they are getting. The 18L jugs averages 910ppm at a pH of 6.42. They loved it! The main reason for the food was two fold, one they need to eat, and two I needed to reward them. They were put though he’ll the previous day. On 07/06 I did a massive haircut and culled everything below the canopy. I can now see the stem and the undergrowth is manageable. Wish I had an indoor set up, as I would have had nearly 40 clones. Oh well, as per law, none rooted and I still have my 4 ladies. Today 07/11 they got 18L of tap water balanced to an average of 6.5. Was pretty humid and overcast at times, but they still flourished. Few more weeks and we’ll be starting to flower!
Week 16. Vegetation
6 years ago
91.44 cm
15 hrs
28 °C
1050 PPM
20 °C
25 L
6 L
07/18 (Day 108) - girls did well last week, and another sunny hot one in central Ontario. Either the heat, smart pots and size of the plants they have been consuming around 6L of water or food per day. I’m watering/feeding each 18L every 3 days. They seem to like this schedule. They were fed 18L of nutrient solution on 07/14. The TDS was an average of 950 with a pH of 6.45 We had some brief thunderstorms, but nothing to amount to any water for the plants. As of today, they were due for another feed. They were given their highest veg mix with an average TDS of 1050 and a pH of 6.55. I expect we have a bit better then 2 weeks before they switch, should be around the civic long weekend or shortly after. I’ll be watering them next time then likely switching to flowering nutrients for the last week of July. This allows me to get 7 good weeks of nutes and a nice long 3 weeks flush. The fun is soon to begin!
Week 17. Vegetation
6 years ago
101.6 cm
15 hrs
26 °C
1050 PPM
15 °C
25 L
6 L
07/26 (Day 116) - this past week was a bit of a struggle for the girls, but they have recovered well, and truth be told, it was for their own good. On 07/20 they were given quite the haircut. Removed all lower growth and thinned them all out. They were given 18L each after their trim and then another 18L on 07/22. These pictures were taken in the AM a day after they were fed on 07/25 The same 1050ppm mix and at average pH of 6.6. As you can see, they are the happiest 4 plants in all of Canada. Also had a bit of an accident tonight. A main lower stem got snapped after trying to tie down to aggressive. She’s be wired and taped, she just needs time to see if she’ll recover. We’ll see.
Week 18. Vegetation
6 years ago
101.6 cm
14 hrs
25 °C
1050 PPM
15 °C
25 L
6 L
08/02 (Day 123) - well what can I say, another beauty week in central ON. Girls were fed a nice high dose of earth/air/fire - 1050 ppm at a lower pH of 6.4. Bit of rain on Tuesday, but I doubt it penetrated the canopy much as I had to water heavy on 08/01. Gave them 18L each. Mango P3 looks a bit stretchy but isn’t showing true signs of flowering. 707 P1 is concerning me as of late. She’s not getting her fans upright during the day. She’s not dry, but her fans seem a bit limp. Typically I see this at lights out, then they track the sun and stand up in the AM. Not this girl. Not sure what’s up, if anything, but I’ll monitor. I have a feeling she’s getting hungry. I’ll be switching to flower nutes this week once I get my order. I’ll have to feed tomorrow using old nutes, but it is what it is. Back to regular schedule soon. Not sure if I’ll get another veg week past this, but we’ll see. I hope they flip by next week, else I risk some frost with my 707s. Stay tuned, good things growing here.
Grow Questions
sKitzOstarted grow question 6 years ago
I have recently noticed some small insects which I am having trouble identifying. No real noticeable damage, but any critter on my weed must be identified. Anyone have experience with this insect? Any links which would confirm identification would be great. Pic on week 18
Techniques. SoG
Wicked_Stixanswered grow question 6 years ago
Hey that is an aphid. Definitely want to get rid of them asap. Here is a link that will help you identify pests in the future. Hope this helps. https://www.growweedeasy.com/bugs-pests-symptoms-marijuana-grow
Week 19. Flowering
6 years ago
88.9 cm
14 hrs
23 °C
1150 PPM
12 °C
25 L
6 L
Nutrients 4
Elemental Nutrient System - Earth 2.5 mll
Elemental Nutrient System - Air 2.5 mll
Elemental Nutrient System - Fire 2.5 mll
08/10 (Day 131 — Flower Day 1): As I mention at the onset, I tend to measure things outdoors with a bit of wiggle room. I have a feeling the girls started their transition about a week ago, but outdoors, it takes a bit of time to change. So, today I’m calling day one of flowering. This will set the pace of my flower nute/flush schedule. All girls will get a 3 week flush period prior to harvest, which is always done by examining the trics. Anyway, some updates from last week. For those keeping track, we have a slight aphid infestation. Noticed on 08/07. Began treatment by spraying them with a mixture of water and diatomaceous earth. Plants were initially sprayed in the evening of 08/09 and agin today, hence the ‘snow covered’ look. I also top dressed the pro-mix in every pot as a future preventative measure. Should take a few days for these little buggers to die, but will continue to monitor. I think 707 P1 might be about 4-5 days behind the rest as she catches some morning sun that the others done. Not the end of the world as it will spread out my trim job. Girls also got a massive haircut last weekend as I knew the flower was upon us. Lightened them all up and gave them lots of air. I’ll likely do this one more time next weekend once their flowers are more established. Knowing flowering was here, I also ‘broke’ a few main stems. I believe some call this super cropping, I call it tender loving abuse 😆. Posted a few outcome pics of the knuckling and the desired outcome. Now the fun begins. Get a good seat for this one, the fun is just beginning!
Week 20. Flowering
6 years ago
88.9 cm
14 hrs
23 °C
1150 PPM
12 °C
25 L
9 L
Nutrients 4
Elemental Nutrient System - Earth 2.75 mll
Elemental Nutrient System - Air 2.75 mll
Elemental Nutrient System - Fire 2.75 mll
08/16 (Day 137 - Flower Day 7) - lots to share for this past week. It’s become apparently clear that they need more food and more water. The 18L per plant per watering has now been increased to 27L. Bud formation is coming along nicely, and you can already tell the differences in the Indica dom Mangos, and the Sativa dom 707s. The 707s smell much stronger then the Mangos, that’s for sure. They are also slower to for as you can see, will clearly need more time as advertised. Girls we fed 18L of nute solution on 08/11. I bumped them up to of 1275 ppm and an average pH of 6.5. I’ll let them swing a bit higher next feeding. They were watered on 08/13 and again on 08/15. Tested the run off on the 15th and the water ran ~750-900ppm (300 is water) and pH of 6.6. Good indication the food is pretty much dried up. They will be fed tomorrow. Still battling aphids. Sprayed them with a hose on 08/16 then re-sprayed with DE. I’ll continue to spray through the weekend. I did order some aphidoletes and I’ll need to have the DE removed for when they get releasedout. I’ll aim to have them clear by 08/22 so I can move on to some natural predation. They haven’t done any real noticeable damage as of now, but I ain’t risking anything. Found a few “burnt leaves that had 4-6 aphids, but that’s about it. Still good things growing lakeside. Here’s to some future LG herb, courtesy of @Humboldt_Seed_Organisation
Week 21. Flowering
6 years ago
93.98 cm
14 hrs
23 °C
1500 PPM
10 °C
95 L
9 L
Nutrients 4
Elemental Nutrient System - Earth 3 mll
Elemental Nutrient System - Air 3 mll
Elemental Nutrient System - Fire 3 mll
08/16 (Day 144 - Flower Day 14) - well folks we are well underway, and the sugar has started flowin! All recovered from the massive trim on the weekend. They started filling in immeasurably. Girls were fed a mix of 1200ppm at a pH of 6.5 on 08/18. As I mentioned I upped their split water to 108L per feed/water. They were watered on 08/20 at a pH of 6.5. I let them go a day longer for food then normal and blasted them with 1500ppm at a pH of 6.2. I’ve noticed some blotchiness in the leaves this week and have 2 theories. 1 - they are big and consuming more then I’m giving 2 - they are feeding what I’m giving them, and the pH is rising, and I’m not bringing it down far enough via water/food, so have a bit of a minor lock I’ll be testing my water runoff on Sunday. Figure I’ll keep it low as I know pH rises as plants consume food. On the aphid front. I ordered some aphidoletes last week. They were received on 08/20 and hung that night. First batch hatched on 08/21. Should be seeing babies this weekend which should be then feasting on the aphids. Time will tell if we need to order lady bugs too. This week should be lots of fun
1 comment
Week 22. Flowering
6 years ago
101.6 cm
14 hrs
23 °C
1500 PPM
10 °C
25 L
14 L
Nutrients 4
Elemental Nutrient System - Earth 3.3 mll
Elemental Nutrient System - Air 3.3 mll
Elemental Nutrient System - Fire 3.3 mll
08/30 (Day 151 - Flower Day 21) girls had a great week. Looks like the stretch is slowing down or over and they are starting to really take shape. Sugar has started flowing on all phenos! Ladies were fed last week on 08/25 then watered on 08/27. Fed them again today (08/30). I bumped up the N a wee bit as I’ll be reducing in next 2 weeks before flushing the Mangos in prep to an early October harvest. Nights are starting to get cooler and the dew has come. Have also been getting some rain this week. That said, the girls are officially indoor/outdoor plants now. If it’s calling for rain, and every night they come in. This way, there will be 0 moisture hitting my precious flowers. It’s a bit of work, but I hate throwing out bud rot! As always, good things growing lakeside!
Week 23. Flowering
6 years ago
101.6 cm
13 hrs
20 °C
1200 PPM
8 °C
25 L
18 L
Nutrients 4
Elemental Nutrient System - Earth 3.25 mll
Elemental Nutrient System - Air 3.25 mll
Elemental Nutrient System - Fire 1.75 mll
09/06 (Day 158 - Flower Day 28) - well it’s certainly beginig to look like the middle of flowering over here. Fall ain’t quite here yet, but she’s showing signs that she’s right around the corner. Been getting down to single digits here at night, but the girls are all snugly tucked in at nights, so new dew is hitting my previous flowers So one of my grow buddies and I were reading up on some new techniques, and we figured we try a little experiment. Apparently there is ‘benefit’ to defoliate fans as early as the 3rd week of flowering, then again the 5th week. I’m not convinced, but I’m always up for and experiment. That said, Mango P3 is our control and will grow as I would normally. Minimal fan leaf removal, and only strategically. Mango P1 is the experiment. On 08/31 she was giving a massive hair cut, with I’d guess around 75-80% of her main fans removed. She’s certainly light and airy. I don’t by into it based on the chemistry of the plant, but I like trying new things. Girls were fed on 08/31, on 09/06 then watered on 09/04. Each watering was 144L split between them. The feeds ranged between 1500-1600ppm and I swung the pH between 6.2-6.4. The water only was dialed in at 6.5 I did feed them again today on 09/06, but halved the amount of Elemental Air I am proving them. This has the highest N content in my arsenal and I’m going to ween them off N this next week in prep for the Mango flush. I can’t be bothered mixing full strength of N for the 707s but I’ll monitor to see if this is causing them issues. As we near the halfway point, I’m getting giddy with excitement. Still good things growing lakeside.
Week 24. Flowering
5 years ago
101.6 cm
13 hrs
20 °C
300 PPM
8 °C
25 L
18 L
09/06 (Day 165 - Flower Day 35) - well, at times I really hate growing outside. No matter what happens, Mother Nature always wins, always remember that. The week was a good one grow wise, and the ladies continue to pack it on. Girls were fed a reduced N mix as I mentioned previously to help with the flush (happening tomorrow for the Mango’s). With that, I somewhat expected the 707’s to get a little pissy, and their color is sure showing signs of some lost N. Good thing for them is it’s food time tomorrow, and they can get correct N dose. They can be weened in another week. Nute solution was given on 09/06, and again on 09/08. This was the last feed for the Mangos. I then watered them with pH adjusted water on 09/11. The flush tomorrow is a lot of work and I wanted to maximize the girls nutrient uptake so waited an extra day to feed/water. The 707s and not happy with my decision which is evident in their slight wilt. All will be corrected tomorrow once they get some food and water and all should be forgiven. So back to my opening comment. If you’ve been following this diary, you might have read I take my plants in at night. I ensure no water or dew hits my buds. I even have a fan and a dehumidifier running at night. All this and I’ve still found 2 area’s of rot this week on the Mangos, then today I found some WPM on the 707s. As I said, Mother Nature will always win. Mixed up a spray bottle with 40% skim milk and 60% water. Let it sit in the not so sunny sun for 2 hours then sprayed the areas with visible WPM. With the start of flush comes another defoliation, so that should help. I’ve decided to hedge my bet and go over all of them and get them as light as I think they can handle to take them home. I hate any loss after all the work that’s gone into em so far. Regardless of all of these ‘minor issues’, I’ll still have some very nice plants on the go that should produce nearly the desired lb/plant I’m after. As always, good things growing lake side.
Week 25. Flowering
5 years ago
101.6 cm
12 hrs
20 °C
300 PPM
8 °C
25 L
18 L
09/20 (Day 172 - Flower Day 42): all is well lakeside. Still a bit of WPM on the 707s to deal with, but it’s not an issue by any stretch of the imagination. When I see it, it gets sprayed with 40/60 milk to water mix. Mangos were flushed with 220L/water per plant on 09/14 and the 707s were fed the same day. Did a defoliation on all plants to thin them out, but more so on the Mangos as they enter the final 3 weeks. That was 3 hours of mixing and watering, followers by another 3 of pulling fans. Not fun but will save it on the back end come harvest. All were then watered on 09/17, then watered and fed (707s) on 09/19. I cut the N down again the last feed and will continue that trend on the next. I suspect they might get 1, maybe 2 more before I flush. I’m running low on nutes and don’t really want to overwinter a freshly opened bottle, so when I’m out, they will get water till flush (next weekend). All in all, it was a good week. 2 minor spots of rot to cut off Mango P3 (maybe lost a few gs), and some light WPM on the 707s. They continue to go inside st night, but next year I’ll need to address the airflow in their nightly home. As it has all summer, and now as we get into fall, good things growing lake side.
Week 26. Flowering
5 years ago
101.6 cm
12 hrs
20 °C
300 PPM
8 °C
25 L
18 L
09/27 (Day 179 - Flower Day 49) - the end is near... which is a beautiful thing 😁 Gets tough to stay on top of things in the fall outside, up here. Even with them going inside at night. I wanted to reduce the WOM on 707 P3 as the milk treatment wasn’t doing what I wanted, so... I did a pretty hard defoliation on 09/22 and sprayed with a baking soda/water spray. Basic idea is to get the pH above 8. The downside, is that it burns the pistils. They have started to recover, but look like they should be harvested. Don’t be fooled, these ladies have 3 weeks left. 707 P1 might even. We’d a bit longer, we’ll see. The Mango’s are in the final sprint. They are starting to show some colour due to the flush. We’ve had some cool nights, but inside it’s still in the double digits. I’ll be monitoring the trics starting tomorrow. I’ve unfortunately keep finding areas of rot. They get cut the second I notice it, but really hope these girls hurry up now. I think the issue is the humidity and the cooler nights and dense ass buds. It’s under control and we’re close enough to not worry too much. Mangos got lots of pH water on 09/22 and 09/27. The 707s were fed on 09/22 and got the same pH’d water today. Even in the fall, good things growing lakeside.
Week 27. Flowering
5 years ago
101.6 cm
12 hrs
20 °C
300 PPM
8 °C
25 L
18 L
10/04 (Day 186 - Flower Day 56) - well the time has come. Mango P3 departed this earth on 10/03 at around 8pm. She was clipped to bucket side, all fans were pulled and she was washed in a 3 part system. She was then hung to dry and trimmed today. I’m shocked, but we got through her all. P1 is set to come down tomorrow night and will be washed as well. More on the harvest post. 707s were fully flushed on 09/29. 220L each. When dripping, their runoff was only 200ppm higher, so all good. All girls were watered again on 10/02 in prep for harvest. I’ll likely water tomorrow so Mango P1 is nice and plump. Weather has been fading here and I’m actually losing some sun on the deck, damn trees. If the leaves don’t come down soon, I’ll likely top the trees 😜. 2 weeks max on the 707s. P3 is still off. She’s had bud rot and hasn’t recovered from the spray. P2 is doing super well and her fall colors are starting to show. All plants had 2 full days inside under the nursery lights, which is not ideal. It’s still better then being in the rain. Growing outdoors means you’re always struggling with something. Key is to minimize and know the struggle, because it is real! New this week, and for the next little bit, good things growing (and now drying) lakeside.
Week 27. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
High is there, and they were clipped at the right time, maybe a bit early. The issue i faced here was environmental, so no fault on the strains part. I do like the HSO genetics so I will be doing my research and contacting them to see what might be better suited for lakeside growing.
Show more
Spent 183 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
487.61 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Happy, Relaxed
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Citrus, Pine, Tropical

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
We’ll chop day for P3 was 10/10 and for P1 it was 10/12. Both plants were done the same way. Cut, fans removed washed and hung for 12 hours. They were then trimmed and dried. They were bagged to start sweating on 10/11. From here, they get 24 hours bagged, then dried again till crispy. Rinse/repeat. They should be ready for jars next weekend. I really liked growing her, and she sure is a beaut, but she’s not an Ideal outdoor strain for my area. I’ve isolated the problem to humidity coupled with temp drops in mid to lat September. HSO has some good genetics here so will attempt her again inside when ever I get an indoor set up. Hopefully in the next 5 years. The issue with her was rot. I probably lost 2-3oz per plant because I am overly paranoid about rot. In bags, the smell is still a bit off, so I have a few more to find. All in all a fantastic strain. If you lived in a desert she would be perfect outdoors!
Equipment Reviews


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TheBudWhisperercommentedweek 66 years ago
If you’re going with 45gal smartpots then I hope you also have a camo net to put over em. Odds are good a satellite will see em from orbit!!! Lol - I can’t wait for this, these’ll be huge! Good luck!👍😎
TheBudWhisperercommented6 years ago
@sKitzO, hear that - let’s get this going god damnit!👍
sKitzOcommented6 years ago
@TheBudWhisperer, exactly. That why I always go back on my experience, knowledge and reading the plant. They never lie with their needs. I think me with 25s will give me a good sense. We’ll see if I’m limited at all come flowering. They are in 5s now, and I’m eager to get them into their final home. Come on Mother Nature....
TheBudWhisperercommented6 years ago
@sKitzO, funny - was just at the hydro shop myself talk’n with the owner.l and he said the exact opposite 😂 - minimum size pot for outdoor in his opinion should be 30gal. 👌 that’s way too big for my needs but proof that opinions are like assholes eh? Everyone’s got one! Lol
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ButtersStotchcommentedweek 245 years ago
I never thought you’d get PWM or rot taking them in at night, every AM mine are soaked from the dew! I hope the milk works! Would you have any pics of the little bit of rot you did mention, I’m trying to be vigilant but Im not 100% sure what to be looking for. I think if my PWM can be controlled and not worsen, bud washing come harvest will save me (it’ll be my first try) but it won’t help if I’ve got some bud rot I didn’t notice. Oh btw they look awesome!
OntarioBigGreencommented5 years ago
@ButtersStotch,if you do bubbles hash you can keep the rotted bud aside and make hash with it ....mold floats on water and trichomes sink in water.(water gonna separate naturally mold and trichomes... so keep them aside and when it’s time for ash you still can use that 😎
OntarioBigGreencommented5 years ago
@ButtersStotch, check my obi-wan Kush pictures from yesterday ...I’ve post some early rotted bud !! So you can see what it looked like .....where gonna have to keep an close eye this week as apparently temperatures will be rising good on day time and will be dropping real low at night so make sure you give your girls a good shake in the morning to try to remove all excess water on them or if you have a big industrial fan start that in front of them to dry them up faster 👊🏻😉
sKitzOcommented5 years ago
@ButtersStotch, you and me both brother. I’m shocked. The girl at did get a bit wet a week or so back, I wasn’t home to move em. That was likely the rot. I didn’t take pics this time, but I’ll dig up one from last year for you. Rot is bad, and needs to be cut out. I always go 2 buds down from the rot and clip. This way I get most. In my 15+ years of growing I’ve never done a bud wash. I will this year though. Gonna do a 3 part wash - (sodium bicarbonate in one, then h2o2 + lemon juice in another. Finally RO for final rinse). That’s what I’ve been reading and looking at
TheBudWhisperercommentedweek 265 years ago
I’m glad you said it first! I’m looking at my 707 and while she’s doing fantastic I gotta think that she’s got at least a couple more weeks to fatten up. Amazing to see the difference that training wide makes. I’ll prob. Go that route next year just for the yield increase and manageability. Great grow dude - they’re lookn fantastic!👍👌
ButtersStotchcommented5 years ago
@sKitzO, Following your grow your definitely right, next year I'm going wide not tall haha. Great job man!
sKitzOcommented5 years ago
@TheBudWhisperer - oh they for sure more. P3 got WPM kinda bad (as did a lot of plants around here), but P2 is looking fairly clean. I’m reluctant to defoliate her and expose her to it. Wide is the way to go IMHO. I’ll take a 7 footer any day, so long as it’s 7’ wide
sKitzOcommentedweek 46 years ago
@Humboldt_Seed_Organisation - I had to tag you in a comment regarding my 707 P2. In over 15+ years of growing, I’ve never seen such vigorous secondary growth so early and so advanced without training. I think I might have gotten a magical bean from you guys. Looking forward to seeing her in a few months.
TheBudWhisperercommentedweek 275 years ago
Lookn sweet there dude👍👍👍! I’m thinking my 707s another 1 week max based on fade and trichs. Can’t push it any further anyway - too much risk already. It’s gross how much ur plants gonna weigh out. Straight incredible grow all round bud👌😎👌
TheBudWhisperercommented5 years ago
@sKitzO, I know - kinda happy bout that! Got some like minded family coming by for the weekend so free trim labour🤘. Just not sure how I’m gonna do it - my kush is on it’s flush week too and should be done in time for gobble gobble so that’s potentially 2 plants that gotta come down with days. Can already feel the blisters😎. Good luck with the chop dude.👊
sKitzOcommented5 years ago
@TheBudWhisperer, thanks for the kind words. They always look massive when trimmed. Just always need to keep in mind they lose 80%. The P3 did fill one of my racks completely though, and we have started a trim collection for hash. I’m interested to see how the wash goes. More on that in harvest and samples 😜 Agree on your 707. Better safe then gone. It might be next week for me as well, but that’s turkey weekend and it makes trimming hard with the holiday. The scope will tell! My P2 turned later then P3.
OntarioBigGreencommentedweek 236 years ago
Looking good brother....looked like you are 1 -2weeks ahead of me ....now. My Thc bomb #1 is fighting broad mites ( now that explain my yellowing that I could control ...hope not to late to save her as she my giant at 8’7” !! Find some stuff that doesn’t leave residue and kills pest on contact....I’ll post a pic today in my diary of that stuff ....
OntarioBigGreencommented6 years ago
@sKitzO, oh no soap my friends just discovered that stuff it’s kill on contact but will not leave any residue,so you need to spray them and not really the whole plants .....I’ll be good for the finish no worries 😉
sKitzOcommented6 years ago
@OntarioBigGreen,bummer! The joys of growing outside, they are ripe for the snacking. Careful with the soap, and make sure the wash the hell outta them leaves. We’re in the home stretch, so you might just make it. I’ll hope for some cool nights for you 😜
Cannibalgardenscommentedweek 196 years ago
Very nice looking girls crazy happy too I see..
Cannibalgardenscommented6 years ago
@sKitzO,oh I eil
sKitzOcommented6 years ago
@Cannibalgardens, thanks for visiting again. They are indeed happy ladies, save for they have crabs, I mean aphids 🤣. Hopefully the DE will nix them before they spread. Stop by again in a few weeks, should be even better!
ButtersStotchcommentedweek 166 years ago
Great Journal and Great Plants!
ButtersStotchcommented6 years ago
@sKitzO, Yessir right around the corner! My one F**ked up auto just started!
sKitzOcommented6 years ago
@ButtersStotch, thanks for stopping by. We’ve had a good summer for growing. Although it started slow, it’s been great since June and the girls are flourishing lakeside. Flowers are just around the corner.
BarrieGrowercommentedweek 176 years ago
Nice bushy plants, looking good!
BarrieGrowercommented6 years ago
@sKitzO, yes you got me, I'm another Ontario grower. I'm surprised how many Canadians I see on here. I think there must be something in the bushes here, haha. I love flower, it's exciting and the aroma is great. I checked my outdoor plants tonight, which are North of Sudbury and one has started flower. Happy days. This is the only one that gets shade late afternoon. Interesting, I'm going to start the countdown. Haha Happy growing, Cheers!
sKitzOcommented6 years ago
@BarrieGrower, I can tell by the name you must be another ON grower. Maybe we should start a club? Thanks for the kind words. The bush did take some work, but it’s all fun and games over here. Flower time is almost here and has me as giddy as a 5 year old!
Cannibalgardenscommentedweek 176 years ago
Nice looking plants those mains will recover they usually do..
Cannibalgardenscommented6 years ago
@sKitzO,true I can understand that..
sKitzOcommented6 years ago
@Cannibalgardens, thanks for stopping by, and for the kind words. I’m not too concerned by the break, just hate when I crack anything on the woody end. My main concern is any pathogens entering the system. She seems fine so far.
HarrysOGcommentedweek 176 years ago
She will recover plants look unreal.lovely structure going to be a show in flower that 707 👊🙏👍🎄✈️
HarrysOGcommented6 years ago
@sKitzO, Going to be a nice plant mate 👊
sKitzOcommented6 years ago
@HarrysOG, thanks for taking a look. I’ve been super impressed by the 707 phenos since they popped. They secondary branching is unreal. Made for a dream to train.
growdoctordccommentedweek 106 years ago
Gorgeous plants in a gorgeous setting! Do you wakeboard on that river? Canadian law limiting four plants at a time is restrictive. And you Canadians are good, law abiding citizens, not like us heathen neighbors to the south! Almost everyone I know who grows is WAY over the limit in DC. And we’re allowed 6 plants per adult, but only 3 if flowering. That helps the pheno selection problem a little. But I go to a friend’s house where they have one bedroom devoted to growing. 30 plants in there in flower. No one seems to care. Certainly not the cops. Cops stopped by because a neighbor complained about the smell. They take a look, and say “Get rid of enough plants to keep it legal” and drive away. Your view is mesmerizing au naturèl. Must be transcendental after a few hits!! Enjoy your harvest!
growdoctordccommented6 years ago
@sKitzO, so they’re LG! That’s a hefty harvest last year. I learned to wakeboard at 40. I swear it’s easier and safer than skiing. Easier to get up, Can’t splay your legs out because they’re on the same board Go slower than skiing and still get a great ride. 14-17 mph v 25-30. Ski crashes gave me ice cream headaches! If you’re into slalom I get it. But consider a thrift shop wakeboard as another toy in your quiver I’ll keep watching
sKitzOcommented6 years ago
@growdoctordc, thanks for the kind words. The ladies are Lake Grown actually. Rivers are close, but they get wide open exposure here. No wake boarding, but water skiing for sure. Would like to learn to wakeboard, but getting older... With the new laws and regs I figured I’d stay legal. There’s very little enforcement, however these 4 should get me through the year with plenty of gifting. 2018 crop was just over 3lbs with 4 plants in my off site location. I expect better this year since I can give them the love they deserve. Just need Mother Nature to corporate. Been a rough start, hopefully this means a warm long fall. Stick around, the fun’s just getting started.
ButtersStotchcommentedweek 275 years ago
Great grow man loved following it! Can’t wait to see you’re final yield. Weather here wasn’t the nicest near the end. At least everything is pulled. Have fun trimming, I know I didn’t lol
sKitzOcommented5 years ago
@ButtersStotch, hey butters, glad you enjoyed the ride, but we’re just 50% of the way there. Only the mango’s got axed, the 707s still have 1-2 weeks left! Thank goodness this week looks great Weather wise 👍. The issue I’m starting to face now is shade due to the sun being so damn low. They lose the best part of the day, so might be some real trees getting topped, or they better shed their damn leaves soon. I’ll post the mango harvest once they are bagged
ROM101commentedweek 275 years ago
Amazing mate well done👍👍👏👏👌👌
sKitzOcommented5 years ago
@ROM101, thanks brother. Still a bit to go, and a lot of trimming, but looking like a great 2019. Glad you checked out the diary 👍
CTCancommentedweek 245 years ago
Nice looking buds 👍. I feel your pain about the frustrations of outdoor. I’ve had pests and mold as well. My next grow will be an indoor tent for sure lol
sKitzOcommented5 years ago
@CTCan, thanks for checking out the lake side grow CT. Yup, outdoor is a bitch that’s for sure. You can’t control all your elements like you can inside. Me, personally, I have no choice, so outdoor it is! In the home stretch now
Ferenccommentedweek 245 years ago
@SKitzO Beautiful plant!
sKitzOcommented5 years ago
@Ferenc, thanks for stopping by and checking out the garden. I certainly think they are pretty, but isn’t every parent biased? 🤣 Stick around, should be a good finish.
BarrieGrowercommentedweek 236 years ago
Plants look stellar. IMO I think the defoliation will probably be fine as you have so many other leavers. The end is approaching. 👍
sKitzOcommented6 years ago
@BarrieGrower, thanks brother, they should. They get lots of love! I’m sure the plant with finish, and I’m sure it will be fine, but I’m not sure on the claims it supposed to make. 30% more dense, higher THC. Maybe 🤷‍♂️ That’s the good part about growing, we get to try new things, hopefully with positive results.
TheBudWhisperercommentedweek 226 years ago
And growing they are indeed dude! Still lookn awesome and all the hauling will obviously be worth it👍😎. Good luck to the finish!
sKitzOcommented6 years ago
@TheBudWhisperer, thanks brother, should be all wrapped up here in 6 weeks. The hauling ain’t bad, more like walking the dog. 5 minutes for added protection.
urbi09commentedweek 216 years ago
Very nice plants man....keep it up...i have a question....could you tell me the dimensions of you smart pots or where you bought them please
sKitzOcommented6 years ago
@urbi09, thanks for stopping by. I plan on pushing them till the day they get chopped, then the real work begins. Who else hates trimming? DM sent with the request info. For reference for all, they are 25gal smart pots. ~22” in diameter.
jirjoocommentedweek 206 years ago
I can only imagine how it feels to sit beside those girls and stare into the abyss.. great looking plants
sKitzOcommented6 years ago
@jirjoo, thanks for checking out the diary. We sure love it that’s for sure. Celebrating our 10th year here with some massive cannabis plants. 👍
the end.
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