MaXMaNcommentedweek 56 years ago
Not exactly sure how to edit the weeks properly, so I will try my best to explain here:
weeks 1-8 I grew out from seeds and kept in veg. I cloned all 6 and sent them to my friend to have him flower/sex them. 1/6 were determined to be male, so I took the strongest of the remaining 5 and made that a mother plant. The other 4 I switched to flower. about 4 weeks + 3 days into flower, I noticed seed pods underneath the canopy. Might have caught this sooner but the underside is fairly dark due to the thick canopy. This weekend (week 5 of flowering) I culled the entire batch, 4 flowering plants and the one I kept as a mother. Hard lessons were learned from this grow and I am wiser for it. Needless to say, always get your seeds from a REPUTABLE SOURCE!!!!