
Royal Gorilla and Cheese Autoflower

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
5 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 6
20 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Commented by
mikemobes mikemobes
6 years ago
4/22/19 Day 43 --RG#1,3 leaves are straight up --RG #3 has seriously exploded in growth had to bend the main stock in towards cheese #1 --Since Cheese #1 is a short boy I put it "on stilts" --Raised the light up to 17 inches above the canopy --Brown spots are showing (singular brown spots) going to water with nutrients --RG#5 leaves started drooping so I fed it with 1 large cup of pH balanced water with no nutrients --RG #3 was showing drooping so fed 1 large cup pH balanced water nutrients. 4/23/19 Day 44 -Brown spots found on multiple spots on multiple plants--now because of the spreading to multiple plants its definitely Leaf Septoria :( -All leaves with septoria were cut off and removed. Fan moved to be blowing on the canopy -tent door opened all the way to lower humidity. 4/24/19 | Day 45 -Leaf septoria hasn't spread--countermeasures seem to be working--no new spots :) -Cheese #1 has really been exploding in growth since I raised it--stem has really thickened out -RG #1,3 are leaves up loving life -RG #4 still growing vertically--looks very healthy -RG #5 vegetative growth stopped--looks like it made the full transition to flowering -RG #5 leaves have began drooping so I fed it 1 large cup of pH balanced water being careful not to hit any leaves to keep the Leaf Septoria under control. 4/25/19 | Day 46 -RG #3 leaves majority drooping--super thirsty, fed 1 large cup of pH balanced water -Only 2 new leaf septoria spots on RG #2, none on any other plants. -Cheese #1 is really growing well-leaves up -RG#1,2,4,5 & Cheese #1 are leaves up 4/26/19 | Day 47 -All the plants were leaves up -Trimmed some small leaf septoria spots from RG #2 -Pruned some wilting lower fan leaves on RG#3 -LST done on Cheese #1 to bring lower nodes into SOG light. Cheese #1 is doing very well and started preflowering. Gowing to lower next week. -All other plants are well into flowering -New vortex fan put blowing at a 80 degree angle, moved the clip fan to make an exit port, now I have in & out circulation for a constant flow of new air. Hopefully it will completely stop the spread of the leaf septoria. 4/27/19 -After changing fam configuration i think i allowed the leaf septoria to spread by not completely clearing the infected leaves -Thoroughly cleared the bottom leaves.Turned off purple lights and went leaf bu leaf. -RG #2 took a hit on the fan leaves. Cleared some lower fan leaves which werent getting good light through the canopy -RG #4 had some tiny spots--cleared the fan leaves -Did some more major pruning of the lower leaves more prone to the LF as well as not receiving enough light which can become a problem down the road -Watered RG #1,3 & Cheese #1 with 1 large cup of pH balanced water -sprayed canopy with thyme and rosemary oil with the intention of using their topical antifungal properties
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Grow Questions
mikemobesstarted grow question 6 years ago
Should i wait for the bottom most buds to turn orange to harvest or should i go off of the orange pistils on the main cola. Ive included pictures of RG 5. The main cola is all orange pistils, but the bottom buds are white. Should i wait for the bottom buds to turn white?
Techniques. Defoliation
Watersanswered grow question 6 years ago
U can cut the top ones and harvest them then, while the bottom half is getting more light, it will mature and ripen up for harvest.

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The_Bearded_Growercommentedweek 116 years ago
boy she looks nice and fat
The_Bearded_Growercommented6 years ago
@mikemobes, ya im more a fan of micro topping
mikemobescommented6 years ago
@The_Bearded_Grower, LST worked really well. Going to try FEMing next grow while only growing 2 plants. i feel like 6 is a little much for 1 500W light.
plantiecommentedweek 116 years ago
Good advice if you wait for bottom nugs to mature the top mature nugs may start degrading thc . look at the trichlomes . hope i spelled that right lol look for milky and amber ones on the top and clear ones on the bottom and cut the sucker in half lol . at least thats the most common advice i hear look at trics not pistils .
The_Bearded_Growercommented6 years ago
@plantie, i did that with my ayahuasca
Iop420commentedweek 106 years ago
Nice job. 👍. Good luck and patience bro 🍀🤞. Peace ✌️