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Hello, this is my newest diary, I set up a super organic soil that is "cooking" at the moment, this soil is composed of reused soil, earthworm humus, perlite, bone meal, chicken manure, green banana flour, dolomite limestone, grass and efficient microorganisms that were collected from a forest, there are still some items that need to be added to the soil. For the seedlings I am using only seedling soil.
Olá, este é o meu mais novo diário, montei um super solo orgânico que está "cozinhando" no momento, esse solo é composto por solo reutilizado, húmus de minhoca, perlita, farinha de osso, esterco de frango, farinha de banana verde, calcário dolomítico, capim e micro-organismos eficientes que foram coletados de uma floresta, ainda faltam alguns itens que preciso acrescentar no solo. Para a muda estou usando solo de mudas somente.
This week I added coconut water diluted in water, I also put a rooting machine. A few more days and I'll transplant it into a 3 to 5 gallon pot.
Nesta semana adicionei água de coco diluída em água, coloquei também um enraizador. Mais alguns dias e irei transplanta-lá para um vaso de 3 a 5 litros.
This week was to combat the mite spiders, I made a solution of water with onion, something and pepper, I applied this liquid liquid to all the plants here, after that I used a natural insecticide. I added more hummus to the soil that is resting. This coming week I will do the transplant for a pot of 15 liters, is a pot with a good horizontal space, I believe this helps, right ?. I hope that when doing the transplant, the plant will be able to create more defenses against these spider mites, since it will be in a soil with much more nutrients and life.
Essa semana foi de combate as spiders mites, fiz uma solução de água com cebola, algo e pimenta, apliquei esse líquido gelado em todas as plantas daqui, depois disso usei um inseticida natural. Adicionei mais hummus no solo que está descansando. Nesta próxima semana farei o transplante para um pote de 15 litros, é uma vaso com um bom espaço horizonta, acredito que isto ajude, certo?. Espero que ao fazer o transplante, a planta consiga criar mais defesas contra essas spider mites, já que estará em um solo com muito mais nutrientes e vida.
Hey, this week I had serious problems with my little cats that always try to lie in the pot, they ended up damaging the stem but the plant has already recovered, the transplant was also done, I planted lavender in this same pot as a natural defensive, still not germinating, less the spider mites are gone. Participate and comment.
Ei, essa semana tive sério problemas com meus pequenos gatos que sempre tentam deitar no vaso, acabaram danificando o caule mas a planta já se recuperou, o transplante também foi feito, plantei lavanda neste mesmo vaso como um defensivo natura, ainda não germinaram, ao menos as spider mites sumiram
This week I changed the plant of place, it happens that the plant was attacked by something, I still do not know for sure, I think it may be whitefly, but the day before the appearance of this spot I had applied natural insecticide and it always proved effective against white flies.
I'm going to cover worm humus, I need this plant to explode with life. I put some mint leaves as cover to scare away some insects.
Still waiting for the lavenders to sprout in the pot, it is taking ..
Nesta semana mudei a planta de lugar, acontece que a planta foi atacada por alguma coisa, ainda não sei ao certo, acho que pode ser mosca branca, mas no dia anterior do aparecimento dessa mancha eu havia aplicado inseticida natural e ele sempre se mostrou efetivo contra as moscas brancas.
Vou fazer uma cobertura de humus de minhoca, preciso que essa planta exploda de vida. Coloquei algumas folhas de hortelã como cobertura para espantar alguns insetos.
Ainda aguardo as lavandas brotarem no pot, esta demorando..
I think the problem I had with the leaves may have been caused by fungus or phosphorus deficiency, the problem only affected some leaves from below, the plant is developing very well, to notice their evolution daily. I added a cover of eggshell powder, the next watering will be of efficient microorganisms, there is a strong smell exhaling, I will start practicing LST in this plant.
EU penso que o problema que tive com as folhas podem ter sido causadas por fungo ou deficiência de fosforo, o problema só afetou algumas folhas de baixo, a planta está se desenvolvendo muito bem, da para notar sua evolução diariamente. Acrescentei uma camada de pó de casca de ovo, a próxima rega será de micro-organismos eficientes, existe um forte cheiro exalando, vou começar a praticar LST nessa planta.
We had a lot of rain and cold here (consider 15 ° C or 59 ° F as cold in Brazil). After watering with efficient microorganisms, I realized that some leaves are saying not to add more nutrients, now only water. It is time for the flowering to arrive, the smell is very strong, before I light a small light so that the plant does not flow, now it is free to flower, I am hoping that it will happen soon.
Tivemos muita chuva e frio aqui (considere 15°C or 59 °F como frio no brazil). Depois da rega com micro-organismos eficientes, percebi que algumas folhas estão dizendo para não adicionar mais nutrientes, agora só água. Está na hora da floração chegar, o cheiro está muito forte, antes eu acendia uma pequena luz para que a planta não entrasse em floração, agora ela está livre para florir, estou torcendo que aconteça logo.
The white flies are hungry and do not leave the leaves in peace, the application of defensive (now using a homemade natural) needs to be almost daily, that other plants and trees in the region also suffer from the attacks of these flies. Very convinced that we have a female here, I feel that in a week or two she will bloom. The growth is fast, I like the structure of the stem, did not want to apply lst, but would have to go down, can not get over the wall. I applied a watering with efficient organisms, it shows burning of nutrients in some lower leaves, nothing much, just water now. Does anyone still read it here? LOL
As moscas brancas estão com fome e não deixam as folhas em paz, a aplicação de defensivo (agora usando um natural caseiro) precisa ser quase que diário, que outras plantas e árvores da região também sofrem com os ataques dessas moscas. Muita convicção de que temos uma feminina aqui, sinto que daqui a uma ou duas semanas ela vai florescer. O crescimento é rápido, estou gostando da estrutura do caule, não queria aplicar lst, mas teria que desce-la, não pode ultrapassar do muro. Apliquei uma rega com organismos eficientes, ela mostra queima de nutrientes em algumas folhas inferiores, nada demais, só água agora. Alguém ainda lê isso aqui? rs
We are at the beginning of the flowering, my soil is loaded with nutrients, every time I irrigate, I am watering only with water, some leaves end up burning, I believe it is the absorption of the nutrients that came down with the irrigation water. I'm always renewing the coverage, I try to maintain a balance between C / N
Estamos no inicio da floração, meu solo está carregado de nutrientes, toda vez que rego, estou regando só com água, algumas folhas acabam queimando, acredito que seja a absorção dos nutrientes que desceram com a água da rega. Estou sempre renovando a cobertura, tento manter um equilibro entre C/N
I see flowers developing, I found an open pollen bag on the bottom, it was the only one, but it may have been from the male I cut. Watering only with water. I discovered that my green cover is that I was fixing a lot of nitrogen on the soil, and that excess was shown on the leaves, this is really strong, the cover was changed only by dry straw. I have Bokashi ready to use, I should apply in mid-flowering
Vejo flores desenvolvendo, encontrei um saco de pólen aberto na parte de baixo, foi o único, mas pode ter sido do macho que cortei. Regando somente com água. Descobri que minha cobertura verde é que estava fixando muito nitrogenio no solo, e esse excesso era demostrado nas folhas, isso é realmente forte, a cobertura foi trocada apenas por palha seca. Tenho Bokashi pronto para uso, devo aplicar na metade da floracao
I see some bananas appearing on the bottom, maybe I have to invest in stabilized seeds. I added some bokashi on the cover. Today was rainy and cold day I let her take advantage of the rainwater, I think this should help to correct the amount of nuts in the soil and your ph.
Eu vejo umas bananas aparecendo na parte de baixo, talvez eu tenha que investir em sementes estabilizadas. Adicionei um pouco de bokashi na cobertura. Hoje foi dia de chuva e frio deixei que ela aproveita-se a água da chuva, acho que isso deve ajudar a corrigir a quantidade de nuts no solo e o seu ph.
Hello, anyone here?
A cat fight made me lose a branch, but okay, it's part of the nature, the branch was dry and smoked, little, it was a lower branch of the plant, I'll wait for the whole thing to be ready to report the flavor . I have new leaves from the middle and lower part of the plant are yellowing, do not think it is nitrogen, there is a sign of nitrogen intolerance. I watered with liquid humus, efficient microorganism and cane molasses, the mixture smelled. My soil is loaded with many nutrients, in the next crop I will dilute with more peat, perlite and a little humus.
Uma briga de gatos fez com que eu perdesse um galho, mas tudo bem, faz parte da natrueza, o galho foi seco e fumado, pouca coisa, era um galho inferior da planta, vou esperar a coisa toda estar pronta para poder reportar o sabor. Tenho folhas novas da parte do meio e inferior da planta estão amarelando, não acho que seja nitrogênio, existe sinal de intolerância a nitrogênio. Fiz uma rega com humus líquido, microorganismo eficientes e melaço de cana, a mistura ficou cheirosa. O meu solo está carregado de muitos nutrientes, no próximo cultivo vou diluir com mais turfa, perlita e um pouco de humus.
I still have yellow and new leaves, it happens from the bottom up. I applied magnesium, as I did not see improvements, I added dolomitic limestone for pH correction and a cover of humus and I am watering it with water. To accompany the fattening of the flowers, I must stop this yellowing to finish the flora, I think we are halfway. When I touch it, I feel the strong citrus scent.
Ainda tenho folhas novas e antigas amarelando, acontece de baixo para cima. Fiz aplicação de magnésio, como não vi melhoras, adicionei calcário dolomítico para correção do ph e uma cobertura de húmus e estou regando com água. To acompanhando a engorda das flores, preciso travar esse amarelamento para conseguir finalizar a flora, acho que estamos na metade do caminho. Ao toca-lá sinto o cheiro cítrico forte.
Organic also has resin! I managed to improve the issue of yellow leaves, applied cow dung, the cover was dry and brown, too much cover thus caused N / C imbalance that led the plant from a nitrogen toxicity to nitrogen deficiency, it took a while, I cut the N still in the vega. I am getting satisfied with the fattening of these buds. This week it was covered with wood ash and watered with lake water.
Orgânico também tem resina! Consegui melhorar a questão das folhas amarelas, apliquei esterco bovino, a cobertura estava seca e marrom, muita cobertura assim causou desequlíbrio entre N/C que levou a planta de uma toxicidade de nitrogênio a deficiência de nitrogênio, isso levou um tempo, cortei o N ainda na vega. Estou ficando satisfeito com a engorda desses buds. Nessa semana teve cobertura de cinzas de madeira e rega com água de lago.
Strong winds broke the top bud in half, solve everything, its leaves were yellowing strongly. The weather is rainy and cold, making sure nothing is rotten. The smell is strong, reminiscent of hot beer.
Ventos fortes quebraram o top bud na metade, resolvem tudo, suas folhas estavam amarelando forte. O tempo está chuvoso e frio, cuidando para que nada apodreça. O cheiro é forte, lembra cerveja quente.
Looking good dude. Keep it up!
Unfortunately I can't say much about spider mites, but I read that a long time ago, one of the simplest methods was just to spray (with cold water) and wipe them off, before all the pesticides and stuff. But surely there are some other things you could do too, I just don't specifically know. Likely again to be plant/flower oils.
You were correct, I had problems with phosphorus deficiency, for several times I needed to add bone meal diluted in the watering. I had read that potassium was easily leached in the watering (I add it by teaching me that potassium is reused), and mine plant was not resinating, I believed that potassium was scarce and I ended up exaggerating, but the greatest influence was the high heat, the plant transmuted somehow, almost had no resin. Learned for this new crop.
Yeah if you recently added manure, not really something to worry about. Your soil looks like it is fairly clay-based (clay tends to have good potassium), and the result of your previous diary suggests TOO MUCH potassium relative to other things (such as phosphor), not too little. But of course, other things could also influence that, can almost never be sure.
In plants, potassium gets reused a lot, like all the tiime. It's not a "building block" like carbon and nitrogen, as such, so it accumulates and the plant doesn't really get rid of it.
The weather was very humid this week, the soil is still wet for a few days without any watering. But today is day of sun, the earth has begun to dry, I will keep an eye. I moved the transplant because of this yellow color at the top, this new soil has chicken manure, green grass and ox manure as sources of nitrogen, so I have not added anything else yet, I believe it's only the roots time to find this new solo, that's what I think
About cats, I think I'll have to change the place plan, the good thing is that in this new place the plant will receive a lot more sun, but I did not want to have to change the place, it happens.
My old soil was very bad, little earthworm humus and nothing nutritious, I found all the time that I had problems with the lack of potassium, and you're right, actually potassium was blocking everything.
Looking great dude.
I'm not sure about those brown splotches, maybe a bit of chlorosis or some kind of temporary burn from something...doesn't look serious though.
Keep it up!
Dude, those little spots on your leaves look a bit like aphid damage, I can't say for sure (I'm still kind of a noob), but maybe check the underside of the leaves for very small semi-transparent insects.
I liked this possibility of garlic and onion, then it gives me the proportions, I may need to use as a preventive, I also have many feet of pepper here, I can use them also if necessary.
Generally my only problem is with white flies miners but these points do not look like this, I applied the spruzit, I really do not trust but in this neem, I'm going to scour the plant tomorrow
That sounds okay actually. The neem oil might spoil with age, I'm not sure.
I've used a combination of alliums (garlics and onion), flower/plant teas from plants I know are somewhat pesticidal, like marigold, chilli and then even some random stuff that I thought could work (flowers/leaves with lots of essential oils) and it's worked okay. First thing is obviously to just wipe the aphids off manually, then apply your stuff. If there are lots of ants around, you might want to get rid of some of them too.
What you have sounds fine though, skip the neem oil if it just seems "off", probably.
Spruzit is just pyrethrins (which you can get from flowers) and oil.
*This all based on the assumption that you potentially and actually have aphids, if not, don't even bother.
Oh ffs (the bananas).
Even if you do see bananas there, it's still looking excellent. I mean, that's not ideal but the seeds you get from it will be sort of "stabilized" and feminized mostly.
Honestly, that plant's genetics looks great to me, and I've got like 200 plants. I would certainly grow that if I could. I would give you like, a full plant that was harvested for some of those genetics.
I understand, I really like the structure. you need to watch as it distributes the side branches that rise up almost to the main bud, the height of it fits perfect for my wall, it is tough too, let's see the resin. I understood the compliment just wanted to know what had caught your attention. Thank you for participating here.
Well, the plant structure, spacing, vigour, and those flowers (for a hermi) are fairly large already. I also think it'll be much more resistant to mold/fungus, etc.
But I'm just guessing, it just looks like something I'd grow.
Btw, I wasn't actually suggesting that we should try and trade or something. Just as a (complimentary) comment about the way that plant looks.
I already see seeds forming, it's actually going to be positive, my seeds did not avenge, I did not store them correctly and they did not have any vigor, I could be carrying 1 or 2 more plants if I had seed, so wait. What else attracts you to this genetics?
Oh I just noticed this, you said "3-5 gallons" in english and "de 3 a 5 litros." in portuguese. Is it 3-5 liter or 3-5 gallon (5 gallon is like 22.5l or so)? Because I've got some plants in 3 liter pots and that's not close to enough.
Yeah I have something similar atm, I germinated like 27 seeds, no idea what they were. Put them into 250ml polystyrene cups for 2 weeks (mainly because I didn't know what to do with them), then transplanted into 3l. But 3 or so weeks after that they're getting a bit too large (and apparently they're autoflowers) for the pots so I have to transplant them again (20l pots), like, tomorrow.
I would actually recommend skipping the 3-5l pots if you can, it's only gonna last you like 2-4 weeks, max, from what happened here. Imo it'd be better to just go straight to 10-25l and avoiding the extra transplant stress. I didn't have the pots to do that, at the time though.
I meant from 3 to 5 liters, this is going to be the first transplant, after that I will do the final transplant for a 20 liter pot. Thanks for the correction.
The yellowing *might* be sulphur or pest issues again. A little bit of yellowing on older growth shouldn't be a big deal though.
Looks really good to me still, keep it up.
I was researching and it really looks like sulfur / magnesium deficiency, I have bitter salt (epson salt) here, I will apply, I had only made a single application of magnesium in the crop, and it was in the vegetative, so it seems in the flora increases is needed and there a difficulty of the plant in transporting this type of nutrient. Thanks for the tip bro.
Starting to look really good dude. That's a HEAVY sativa. Something like thai or durban poison-like. I can tell that plant is suited for tropical/wet conditions.
I tell you it's a paraguay sativa, like the ones from the photo
Today I took some larger leaves than my hand, so I felt it explode high in the flowering
It may be some fungus or consequences of the spider mit, but I tell you that it is much better, I am using that natural insecticide with flower origin, I apply more than once a week and I have humus cover, now I see vigor