The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Lucky Ladies

6 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
Grow medium
5 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
6 years ago
THings Are going good. I have them sitting on a heating pad because I think it gets to cool at night in the closet they are in. I also ony give them sparlets bottled water. about 1/2 gallon every 3-4 days, when their little bags feel light.
Week 4. Vegetation
6 years ago
7.62 cm
24 hrs
21 °C
21 °C
16 °C
2.54 cm
They are growing stong. I put them outside whenever I can. I have begun to switch them to 18/6 because I saw a documentary about plants needing sleep. I also play classical music for them 24/7 on my amazon echo. I also bought a cheap aromatherapy vaporizer that throws of humidity and vapor. I put that in their grw closet and they love it i think.
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Week 5. Vegetation
6 years ago
25.4 cm
18 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
21 °C
16 °C
5 L
27.94 cm
My girls have gotten so big so fast I had to put them into 5 gallon tree bags. I still only water them sparlets. but its starting to get expensive to buy them all water every few days. I just water till heavy and then let dry for a few days.
Week 6. Vegetation
6 years ago
33.02 cm
19 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
21 °C
16 °C
5 L
1 L
60.96 cm
I bought a cheap green house for them to live in. I kept my growlight in there because if i take it out i guess they will flower. Also one of my babies is a self topper. so she has 2 shoots already. I thought about topping or FIMING but I dont want to cut them they look so strong.
Week 8. Vegetation
6 years ago
63.5 cm
19 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
21 °C
16 °C
1 L
182.88 cm
I greatly underestimated how much they would grow. I got a huge cheap greenhouse off walmart for like 100$. I dug (with a post digger) huge 24inx 24in holes in the ground about 3 feet apart from eachother. I bought 1 cubit foot of organic soil from walmart (1 for each plant for a total of 7). I also bought som 1inch and a half pvc pipe that was 24inches long. i drilled a hole that was 1/4 big aver 3 inches in the pipe. I transplanted into those holes along with their (straws) i made for them. That way if i need to water them i just put water down the pvc pipe. They had already hit the bottom of their pots. They are developing deep roots. I also sprayed down with nematodes. for transplant i used tap water (sorry plants) but its because i watered them more than normal for the transplant. ( i also let them get thirsty a few days prior)
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Week 9. Vegetation
6 years ago
63.5 cm
19 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
21 °C
16 °C
1 L
182.88 cm
I found a Cutworm chewing on some of my plants. I sprayed with nematodes but i guess they are persistant pests. I also sprayed slug stuff around the basses, and put cinamin on the one who had ants. I havent watered since transplant last weeek and i dont think i willhave to. I got their roots pretty deep. and when i was digging all those holes i found the ground was nice and moist. I am hopping their roots grow even deeper andthey find thier own water. Especially since i only give them sparklets it gets expensive watering them all. when i do water i will put it down their straws so i dont interupt their topsoil slug barriers. They all ave new growth. I secretly hope they outgrow this tent :)
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Week 10. Vegetation
6 years ago
101.6 cm
19 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
21 °C
11 °C
1 L
182.88 cm
Nutrients 1
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 1.302 mll
This week the plants got too tall for my liking. Realizing i would have a space issues with flowering i got some advice to throw a net out and limit their height so i am. I also realized my soil is real bad (the stuff i got from walmart) so i started lightly feeding foxfarm big bloom. (Im only trying it on 1 plant for now). I also released ladybugs and will realse more nematodes next weekend. I watered them quite a bit since they had not been watered in 13 days with tap tap water out the garden hose.
Week 11. Vegetation
6 years ago
152.4 cm
19 hrs
19 °C
No Smell
66 %
19 °C
11 °C
1 L
182.88 cm
Nutrients 1
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 3.906 mll
This was an ok week. The weather was May gray all week so I ran the light for several days when the sun barley came out. (i still let the girls sleep). They are doing ok in their net, and i noticed the back ones are starting to bush out more. I did not water all week because of the bad weather. I still have the nematodes and need to release them soon, hopefully next weekend. I recently popped some autos (autoflower) so that way I can squeeze em in with the harvest. I will start their journal next weekend, once i have successfully germinated em. I have no experience with autos, but i wana try em :)
Week 13. Vegetation
6 years ago
170.18 cm
19 hrs
19 °C
66 %
19 °C
11 °C
1 L
182.88 cm
Nutrients 2
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 3.906 mll
Great White - Plant Success (Plant Revolution)
Great White 0.651 mll
This has been a tough week. The weather has continued to be on and off rain and wind. I fed the plants one time since the rain seemed to bee watering them plenty. Also while attempting to train the one girl in the back, i accidentally snapped her stem!! :/ I thought I really hurt her because I saw liquid come out. I didnt know what to do, so I just left it and hoped for the best. I didnt touch it anymore or anything. The next morning she perked back up and seemed ok. Since then I dont try and help them with the net anymore I just let them do ther thing. Every now and then I trim yellow leaves at the bottom that have been shaded out. I do not seem to have any bug problems at the moment. I have ladybugs, lacewigs, and mantis out living in the green house, although I do have a few spiders living in there too maintaining the ladybug population. I am hoping that the roots are going deep, since i know come summer, their little house is going to bee a magnifying glass, and I want them too hit the water table to draw freely from it, because i still do not like giving them the tap water.
Week 14. Vegetation
6 years ago
170.18 cm
21 hrs
25 °C
66 %
19 °C
13 °C
1 L
182.88 cm
Nutrients 2
Grow Big - Fox Farm
Grow Big 3.906 mll
Great White - Plant Success (Plant Revolution)
Great White 0.651 mll
This week was a lot better than last week. The girls got lots of sun finally. The plants are just pushing through the net, I may try and push them back down, I am just scared to snap em again. I have been feeding them the max and they seem ok (i have pretty bad soil outside the 2ft x 2ft holes i dug and filled with decent dirt) Feeding every few days with 2 gallons of water and feed is all they get (1 gallon feed, 1 gallon water) I dont really consider it a watering, more just of a feed. I want them to find their own water.
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Grow Questions
Strife957started grow question 6 years ago
I have a question, and it seems dumb But: Am i using the net correctly? My girls are just poking through. Im tring to keep them under the light. Should i snap em to keep them under the net ? (their stems are like celery sticks) Or will they eventually get themselves stuck
Techniques. Defoliation
Athosanswered grow question 6 years ago
The net is kind of pointless outdoors, since the sun is equally strong from top to bottom of the plant. Anyway, you are supposed to weave the stems, keeping the growth horizontal, so all bud sites are at the same height; I guess you could try some super cropping, but i'm not sure if the stems are pliabke enough at net level, you could break the stem
Week 17. Vegetation
6 years ago
182.88 cm
21 hrs
32 °C
66 %
19 °C
14 °C
1 L
182.88 cm
This week was good. I pushed the girls back down under the net. They pushed back up. I fed them tap water since they needed a lot from the summer heat starting. The weather is starting to turn more favorable. I also tried to fix the calendar because these girls have been with me 4 a while (since feb 8) (sorry we r slow) I put out more slug and snail poison. After spraying the nematodes bug activity has really died down. I hope the young mantis babies have bugs to eat.
Week 18. Vegetation
6 years ago
208.28 cm
21 hrs
32 °C
66 %
19 °C
14 °C
1 L
182.88 cm
Things went as normal this week. I didn't water or feed the girls since i have been sick lately, all I did was push them back under their net. Sometimes their stems pop/snap but i don't worry anymore, the next day they recover nicely. (its more like an internal pop i hear) The weather isn't as sunny as I would like yet, but i can't do much about that. With all the foliage bug hunting has been reel tough, although I found a baby cutworm witch i quickly eliminated. slow and steady the girls keep climbing I just manage the light space 4 them. I only go in on the weekends 4 their training and that seems to be good enough. The girls in the back are just exploding, compared to the others. I dont know if maybe some good soil back there or just some magic beans. Maybe because they are closest to their nightlight?
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Week 19. Vegetation
6 years ago
226.06 cm
21 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
66 %
19 °C
16 °C
1 L
182.88 cm
This week went well. No water or food for the girls because I have been busy. They seem happy . Glad to see Mantisis patrolling the greenhouse. Pretty good for now i did not have to train themthis week
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Week 22. Vegetation
6 years ago
241.3 cm
21 hrs
32 °C
No Smell
66 %
19 °C
19 °C
1 L
182.88 cm
This week was hottt. I have been out sic l8ly sorry 4 no updates. The girls r still growing strong. With very little maintenance. I gave them each 5 gallons of water with nutrients on Sat, (early morning since it was a heat wave) I defoliated (the lower branches became shaded out) and now the little bushes are taking upon a more tree like appearance. They are all just under the 7 ft roof, with training. They were hitting the roof and getting wet (morning dew), so i put more fans inside, (also the 90+ outside temps). No problems with heat. I will start making preparations 2 switch them 2 flower at the end of this month :)
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Week 23. Vegetation
6 years ago
254 cm
21 hrs
32 °C
No Smell
66 %
24 °C
19 °C
19 °C
182.88 cm
This week went good. The girls are pressing on the ceiling. They seem happy
Week 24. Vegetation
6 years ago
266.7 cm
21 hrs
37 °C
No Smell
66 %
24 °C
19 °C
20 °C
182.88 cm
This week was hottt Record breaking temps wer cooking my girls sooo I let them out. I took out their light also (saturday) I also put green celophane on all the house windows (that dont have blinds) because i dont want the house lights to disrupt their sleep. ( i dont know how sensitive they r ) Next week will be their first full week of flower
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Growdaddy420commentedweek 246 years ago
Great looking plants. I was using same greenhouse but they got too tall as well. I took mine off never thought to cut some vents. Good luck with flower!
Athoscommentedweek 146 years ago
The net is kind of pointless outdoors, since the sun is equally strong from top to bottom of the plant. Anyway, you are supposed to weave the stems, keeping the growth horizontal, so all bud sites are at the same height; I guess you could try some super cropping, but i'm not sure if the stems are pliabke enough at net level, you could break the stem
CoastGrowercommentedweek 86 years ago
Those are going to grow huge :) I hope you didn’t put them to close to eachother! Nice setup you can always LS train them so they grow to the spots you want them to grow.
Puffer_Billcommentedweek 46 years ago
Look nice & strong 💪🏽😎👊🏼
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