Day 64: She's doing well, and turning purple.
Day 65: Tied up her main cola. Don't want her to become the leaning tower.
Plant #2 yielded 89 grams dry.
Day 67: She's got some of the same problems as plant 2 had. It doesn't seem to be slowing her down though. Added some Epsom salt to her feeding. hopefully it helps.
Day 68: She's looking a bit rough today. Flushed her with ph'd water. Gonna wait and see if she recovers.
Day 69: She's still looking rough. Although her trics are starting to turn amber
Day 70: She's been chopped and hung to dry.
Looks like a magnesium deficiency to me. Some of the pictures from last week it looks like there is some interveinal yellowing and the deficiency has progressed. Epsom salts will help fix the issue. Happy growing!!!