Week 4 of life. The girls had a very busy week. They where transplanted into their final home, 5 gallon smart pots in super soil I put together. In a 5x5x8 space under a HLG 600h dimmed down to 70%. 46in above the young plants.
Had a problem with humidity, that took a couple days to correct. The girls showed no sign of slowing down and excelled even with humidity fluctuations. One grow about 4in in about 7 days. One didn’t take to topping but bounced back and isn’t far behind.
So far this has been a wonderful strain to work with. Excited for the next couple weeks left of veg. LST coming soon.
Hey Moonflowerorganics,
Congrats on your harvest, super nice plants! 👍
I have two Sherbets in veg. at the moment, one in coco and one in soil. Stop by to have a look and give some feedback if you get the chance 😉☀️
Вы меня немного успокоили я новичёк в этом деле вырашиваю королеву шербета думал что растишка сильно тормозит в росте она у меня 9 день от каски и такая же по росту как у вас наверно это такой сорт просто другие сорта на 9 день имеет уже намного больше роста