So this week I had a problem with the humidity, this is due to the air flow not getting through the plants and tent due to the amount of leaves on the plant so I have pruned them enough so the air can move through them easily, iv put the light setting on a 12:12 routine and upped the dosage of nutrients so the is more Bloom and Gro and less micro with the amount of Calmag staying the same hopefully this will encourage them to flower.
@lombo34, yeah good shout! Think on the next grow am gonna invest in. Carbon filter, see if it kills the smell, iv dotted Ona Gel round the house but which seems to do the trick,
@ItsTheWeedMan, same here man. Bought a 4” 203cfm exhaust fan. Definitely helps when it’s running but can’t run 24/7. Kills humidity in the tent. Works too good lol