Still could be K deficiency due to nutrient lock out as a result of salts buildup? I did a 2L pH'd water flush to try dissolve and rinse out the salts. Followed by a calmag feed. She's up on pot stands now to get airflow under the pot too, so going through almost 1.5L per day water. Bits of nutrient burn so I may come back to half strength until that stops. I will continue with PK boost, also at half strength. Smells very fruity. Getting a bit of natural sunshine on the sunny days. Maybe 2-8 hours depending on amount of sunshine available.
Day 6 gave it some seedling nutes only 170ppm to ease her into it. She's also been ramped up to 20/4 from 18/6 today. Mars Hydro 300W (drawing 135W) at about 24". 170ppm in and abour 350ppm out. 6.5pH in and 6.3pH out.
Looking good! Anything above 20c is fine looks indicate by the wide shape of the leaves they can usually grow fine above 16c. Trust me from experience where I live it gets cold 😨
hi man!
You say this is your first want try scrog with one plant in first time grow? I read on your profile, scrog like method of growing......really?