
1st Living Soil Grow Outdoor

5 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
57 L
Pot Size
3.79 L
Grow Conditions
Week 17
14 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
Commented by
sdelapena85 sdelapena85
5 years ago
**Update- After spraying the lower fans, stems, and soil with GrowSafe, I've seen no issues. Everyone is healthy and green. I am going to go forward with an overall spray at the same 2% solution rate. I hope this knocks down any pest issue for good! So I've noticed ants in the topsoil and "honeydew" secretions on some fans...looked around and followed ants up a branch right to a Scale bug. Shoot. So I looked all over plants and found just a few more. I decided to use an horticulture oil treatment. It's called GrowSafe and it states you can use it from clone to harvest. I contacted the company about spraying on my buds explaining where am I in flower. They gave me good directions about the amount to use and how and assured me it was fine on flowering plants. So I mixed it up and sprayed the soil, all lower stems and some low fans. At night. Im going to give it a few days to make sure plants still look good and if so Im gonna spray them all over. I have gotten off the few scales I've found. Not many thankfully. Never had this before, what a gross pest. My good guys are still around and the oil shouldn't harm them. Oh outdoor's a long adventure! Otherwise all seems well. Buds are fattening up and im getting more whiffs of their scent 👍
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Grow Questions
sdelapena85started grow question 6 years ago
Anyone out there able to identify N deficiency on newer leaves or if the lighter color is just the way the strains new growth looks? I worry and have the habit of wanting to do more more more which I am trying to stop. Trying organic. Should I roll on, feed N, or top dress?
Leaves. Color - Yellow
Hellishjamanswered grow question 6 years ago
I don’t see any Nitrogen deficiency in these plants at all. The lighter green is just the new growth coming in these looks pretty healthy to myself. If you have nitrogen deficiency the older leaves towards the bottom of the plant will start to turn yellow, wilt and die off. This is due to the plant prioritizing new growth over old growth and is robing nitrogen from lower growth to support the new growth. Just be carful you don’t want to over due it and get into nitrogen toxicity. I myself am doing living organic soil and have red wigglers in my pots to break down organic fertilizers. Good luck!

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sdelapena85commentedweek 86 years ago
Thanks for the help!! Much appreciated!
Hellishjamcommented6 years ago
@sdelapena85, glad you liked it! I always cross compare different sites because as we know the internet can be good or can be very bad lol just keep that in mind! Another word of advise get yourself a note pad and write everything you do to the plants down so you always have a reference to fall back on incase something happens and you can always check back on what was done because we all forget things from time to time!
sdelapena85commented6 years ago
@Hellishjam, dude I LOVE that site!!
Hellishjamcommented6 years ago
@sdelapena85,here is a good read on deficiency and pests.
sdelapena85commentedweek 16 years ago
Well at that point I hadn't yet transplanted to the living soil. I was given a 1lb bag of Nature's Living Soil Concentrate and followed the directions about mixing with soil. I used 1.5 cu ft Ocean Forest, .75 cu ft Mother Earth Coco Perlite, little Happy Frog I had left and some Mykos mixed with the concentrate. I sprinkled more Mykos right where roots went. Filled my three containers and transplanted outside on 5/5. At that point I dropped the Flora Trio and Ph up/down because its bad for the microbes and such. Got another bag of living soil to top dress eventually and to bubble tea with. Also been giving them coconut water and silica. Everyone is happy so liking it so far. Don't know if I am dping 100% right haha just learning on this one. Thinking about kelp meal and guanos and earthworm casings but there's so much research to do!! Cheers!
sdelapena85commented6 years ago
@CRiSPrGrow, thanks! Good to know!
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@sdelapena85, no that makes sense ! careful with the guano,i've seen countless folks overdo it and burn their plants, great start so far 👊
Efka710commentedweek 215 years ago
Looking great m8 gonna grow this strain next years outdoors. This year in my country weather is bad :(
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 165 years ago
i absolutely love the bug army SdeLapena
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 16 years ago
you say living soil but you're also saying store-bought pre-amended soil in the description, can you really do both? 🚀