I'm in awe! Super frosty buds and a ridiculous yield. Congrats. What nutrients/lights are you using? I might try running 24hrs on the next autoflower run. :)
@SION420, I used a 240w Alibaba QB kit in veg, and 2x240w Alibaba QB kits in flower, dimmed down to a total of 350w. otherwise she would burn. I used GH Flora Trio, pure coco and a textile pot. For my next grow I plan on using this so I don't have to water twice a day https://www.amazon.co.uk/Autopot-AP400-Easy2GO-Holiday-Watering/dp/B00O8SL0HM/ref=sr_1_3?crid=G7ZU076E1AQB&keywords=autopot&qid=1573995543&sprefix=autopo%2Caps%2C179&sr=8-3