Day 15 - CORRECTION: After further research I've concluded that ALPHA sustained nutrient burn, NOT calcium deficiency. The brown spots - the burn areas - lack the darker spotting associated with calcium burn. Furthermore, I initially fed the plant with a half-strength nutrients instead of quarter strength. ALPHA is doing fine at half nutrient strength now.
I've put the plants in the tent under the LED. Light is placed approx 36" above the canopy. It will remain at a fixed height until/unless I need to adjust it. Reason for the fixed height is that I will add other plants on the same light schedule.
Day 17 - ALPHA has no new damage from the overfeeding. BRAVO has extensive nute burn. This was a rookie mistake, and it's one I won't make again.
Day 18 - ALPHA has new growth - fourth node is coming in. Gave her 16 oz of RO water. BRAVO is showing extensive damage over 50% of her little leaves, but she is growing. Gave her 16 oz RO as well. Expecting BRAVO to recover, but it will be a difficult road for her.
Day 19 - Starting LST on ALPHA. BRAVO has continued with new growth, but the nute burn is extensive.
Day 21 - ALPHA has new growth free of nutrient burn. She has fully oriented toward the light and recovered from the first session of LST. Her internode is very tight. BRAVO shows more, very severe damage from the nutrient burn. I flushed her, but shes's so small I think extensive damage has been done. I expect her to recover, but the consequences of burning her so young remain to be seen.
@Puffer_Bill, I have not moved the tent. I decided to tighten things up on the shed, and it seemed to help; however, I did find a couple more caterpillars. I'm out there every day, so I plan to just keep eyes on them. I don't want to stress the plants with a move at this point. They've been stressed enough. After the plants in the tent now are harvested I'm going to move the setup into the garage for more grows.
@Zollies_zn, Me too! And thanks for the encouragement.
I'm going to try a new variation on LST. It may turn out to be a couple variations. I'm going to take rabbit fencing and make a circular fence to put over the plant. It should give me at least sixteen vertical inches of wire all around the plant. I might be able to tease out a bit more height, but I'm not sure I'll need it. As they grow I'll either stake branches and main cola until they reach the side or tie them to the wire fence. The grows I've seen in the diaries here show robust branches on the plants. I should be able to reach in between some of the wire gaps to do maintenance (e.g., defoliation, watering, LST).