I’m using feminized Green House Seeds for this grow (i.e., Bubba Kush, White Rhino), feminized Barney’s Farm Peyote Critical, and also feminized Seedsman Cheese.
I plan to choose two of the strongest seedlings and place them in the indoor setup. I’ll be using the Kind LED XL750 grow light, with the SuperPonics XL12 hydroponic system, inside a 2x4 Gorilla Grow Tent.
For the other seedlings, I plan on utilizing a traditional, organic, outdoor setup. I’ll be using 8 Gallon AirPots with an organic compost (no nutrients).
I’m considering increasing my RH to 70% to achieve a VPD of roughly 1.157 kPa (my Temp is currently 84). Does anyone have suggestions/thoughts on this?