The stacking has finally really started. They continued to minorly stretch through day 30. I’ve never grown anything that starts off flower so slow but it’s making progress. The offensive GMO mothball old stench is starting to reveal itself as the trichomes mature. When I open the tent the smell punches you in the nose. Seeing a slight color fade which concerned me, possible slight overwatering. However it seems to be holding at the shade its at, keeping an eye on it. Day 43 turned my HLG550 from 450 to 530 watts. Total consumption w/ reds 600W.
So THIS is what my plants are supposed to look like! Hah! The structure of your plants looks super similar to mine, Indica dominant? Mine have had purple stems from very early on, despite feeding Cal-Mag nearly every watering. I've read it's possible that that could be genetic though, so maybe I'm fighting a non-existent enemy.
@GrowLow,Louville sluggers haha 👍. Nice yeah acouple well timed toppings with early low stress training is the trick. I don’t think it means too much light nah. I did notice them tacoing hard when my light was turned too powerful earlier in Flower. After I turned it down they were happier
@OrganicChronic,That light exposure thing makes sense, because on some of my stems the top side looks purple but not the bottom. Does that necessarily mean too much light? At this point I cannot move my light any further away, since it's at the top of the adjustments. The next set of plants I'm going to flower I will be sure to keep shorter by topping and controlling the veg time and canopy better.
@GrowLow, Haha you’ll be there in no time brotha! Yeah definitely indica dom looking at her leaves. But the smoke to me is a more euphoric indica which is my preference. The purpling on the stems (of the leaves) I believe is caused from light exposure for some reason, I noticed the newer ones are still green. Also heard a story of someone who taped up the stems, and they apparently never turned purple being kept dark
@GrowLow, You don’t have much room to your light? Yeah man they’re gonna stretch! Better to grow them alittle too big than too small though imo. I still have about 36” to my light. You have a good looking canopy, especially for a first time keep it up man you got a green thumb
@henrys_harvest, hey man been ages since I’ve been on here. Hope your grow finished out well! Yeah you could definitely run it 90 days no issue… mine were only 5% amber maybe.. I made the mistake of turning my light to 100% power the last 3 weeks and gave them more white hairs but they still washed great.. cheers
Hey bud I have a question...about how much weight average was each GMO? I'm starting week 10 tomorrow and I'm right around tit for tat with your pics. Around 2ft plus a couple maybe. I'd appreciate if ya peeked in with any info about what you went through. Hard to find this strain in journals
@GutterHoe, haha 3 years late but I’ll answer .. they were 3-4 ounces per plant around 1.5 pounds total from 7 or 8 plants .. hope your grow finished out well I’ll take a peak !