This Wedding Gelato is pure sticky, the smell is wonderful and tastes sweet and citrus like. It was really easy to grow, no problems with it throughout the grow. I would highly recommend this.
Such a pretty plant, it was really easy to grow, nice and healthy throughout, responds well to topping and trimming. If you haven't grown this one yet then I would say you should put it top of your list for your next grow. The smoke is just so nice and tasty, very flavoursome with sweet citrus like flavour and it gets you smashed. 😁
I hope my one gets as good as this! It’s not doing bad at all just had some problems as I didn’t notice I wasn’t watering properly so came out with a lot less than I should have but hey practice makes Perfect! 💯 you’ve even got sherbet queen 😍 I’m doing that too so ima be checking out your diaries so I get a slight heads up on what to expect⚡️
Hello Ron ,
I grow also the wedding gelato and topped them , also lst and indeed they grow like hell . They like training,the same like the fat banana . Strong strains and genetics from RQS every time.
Greetings from belgium and a successful grow