Dropped them in plain reverse osmosis water on Sunday July 14 at 730pm. I'll let these soak for around 18-24 hrs then if they havnt already popped I'll put them in a paper towel for another 24 hours. After they pop I'll either put them into solo cups which I havnt done in years or I'll put them in the final pots if i can get over to the hydro shop for some coco in time. Havnt had the best luck with autos recently so I'm not sure how this will go but let's give it a shot. I'll be 1 armed for another couple weeks but i think well figure it out.
7.17 almost 100% germ rate, never moved them to paper towel they ended up soaking for 36ish hours. Only 1 of 2 FBT5 did not germinate but I put it in a wet towel to give it another chance. They then went into a 50/50 coco:soil mix, into 18 oz solo cups, with a sprinkle of living organics powder from Green Buzz Liquids on top. The feed I gave them consisted mostly of enzymes, humid acid and mycos ppm 250 ph 5.95. Went into humidity dome with the rest of my autos under 19.5 Hrs light. Once I clean on my 4x4 they will be moved into that so I can have the lights lowered to avoid too much stretch. Plan is to transplant from the solo cups to the final pots which will be 3 gallon Radicle Bags.
Any good ideas why it stunted now that you have been through the grow?
Looks very similar to the way CBD Crack grows except for coloring of course.