Semana 4 de vegetación. Se vieron mejoras en la salud de las nenas, por lo que se trasplantan a macetas de 20 litros las Hindu Kush y la Super Skunk a 17 litros aprox por falla de la maceta. Aumenté la dosis de Advanced y se regó con 1 litro de agua. No he querido hacer modificaciones al sistema para combatir las bajas temperaturas, para probar la resistencia de las cepas.
Week 4 of vegetation. Improvements in the health of the girls were seen, so that the Hindu Kush transplanted them to 20-liter pots, and the Super Skunk at approximately 17 liters for failure of the pot. I increased the dose of Advanced and was watered with 1 liter of water. I have not wanted to make modifications to the system to combat low temperatures, to test the resistance of the strains.