Today was a magnific week, the plants are growing fast af, 2 days ago we find some unespected guest and removed It, he eat some leaves of the white whidow, ALL the plants are growing Very well except for the one Northing Light who is having some problems but i guess its something genétics, cause the other seed aré having the same routine and its going Fine, she os growing anyway, we have installed on the tent some raspberrypi too we Will have some nices photos and a beautiful timelapse, no other majority problems, see you guys next week.
Someone know what os going on with the Northing Light with leafs issue? I'm already Just feeding her with regular Water and waint to the Ground was completly dry cause im guessing some budrot, but she is growing anyway, thanks.
If all your other plants are growing normally then I would just suggest it's probably just a genetic abnormally. You could try adding extra calmag and nitrogen and see if it helps the new growth if you really wanted to? But you have lots of healthy plants there so I wouldn't worry too much