
Critical RQS - 2nd attempt on grow herb

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
5 years ago
Room Type
weeks 14-15
weeks 14-15
weeks 14-15
weeks 14-15
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 16
12 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
6+ nutrients after
Commented by
MisterSix MisterSix
5 years ago
This is approximately 5 week of bloom since 1st pistil and the bud are adding more pistols it might be slow down a little bit since this strain is a 7 week from start of bloom to finish bloom. The room temperature still maintain between 30-31.5 Celcius, however the humidity is still high around 65-75 where i live event thought i have a 25 Watt dehumidifier, i will leave it and see the result i have grow in this high humidity and not seeing any problem since my 2nd attempt. The deficiency problems is fix completely by flushing with PH water.
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Grow Questions
MisterSixstarted grow question 5 years ago
in this stage i use the AN basic line, should i buy some PK booster to boost the next bloom stage. I have 3 options: Power Fuel, Kool Bloom by GH and Shooting Powder which one is the best. Thanks alot
Buds. Not fattening
DankGardeneranswered grow question 5 years ago
If the plant doesnโ€™t need it, adding a supplement can sometimes do nothing, or even worse it could hurt your plant. For example, if you add a PK booster when youโ€™re already giving full strength base flowering nutrients, you could burn or even kill your plants! Pk Boosters and Shooting Powderd โ€“ With this type of supplement, the main ingredients are just Phosphorus and Potassium because they are important for flowering. These also sometimes contain some amount of sulfur. In general, use these sparingly as theyโ€™re usually very potent! And donโ€™t forget that every quality base Bloom nutrient should already contain plenty of P and K. Giving relatively low levels of Nitrogen during the flowering stage helps buds fatten up.
MisterSixstarted grow question 5 years ago
Usually at 50d of bloom i will witness bud hardening but in my case it still not ripen and still have so many pistils on it. Might high humidity (65-70) the issue in this case. The fan leave are starting to yellow a little bit
Buds. Not fattening
Clutchanswered grow question 5 years ago
The slow growth and ripening is defenitly because of the High Humidity and way too high day and night temperatures. In nature days are fresher towards the end of flowering and so should an indoor grow be too. U did defolation and that's a good thing because with this humidity bud rot is on the corner. Make the air flow very well and try to get it down to about 50% humidity. Let the girls dry out for a few days. The brown spots I cannot say what it is. Ph on point so the nutrients intake shouldn't be a problem. Dry them out and do a flush and try to correct the humidity and temperature. Plant still looks very good and maybe u should let her grow some longer to fully outgrow those nice buds. Still many white pistils so far from done in my opinion. Hope u get some answers from other growers too since I'm far from being an expert. Keep growing ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Clutchweek 13
I always thought that critical was a short, compact and bushy plant ๐Ÿ˜ Wrong guess haha. grew her once years ago and she was not too big but delivered nice thick buds. Looking forward how yours will be.
@Clutch, yeah i have a small dehumidifier but it's kinda decrease 5% of humidity i planning on purchase a bigger one. But i have bloom at 65-75 RH for 2 time and still have good quality ๐Ÿ˜ thanks for the advice i will try to imptove.
@MisterSix, is there a way to get ur humidity down in the grow tent? 65% is too much by now. Should be around 50/55.
@Clutch, yeah actually she's around 1 meter but i let her grow to her full potential and this is my biggest plant by far. Hopefully i will get thick bud at this condition of 30 celcius and 65 RH. I'm curios on the total weight too ๐Ÿ˜
Mrs_Larimarweek 13
Critical from RQS is a great Strain. easy to grow and a very good yielder.She may stop soon stretching and build nice Buds now is the right Time for some P+K boost
@Mrs_Larimar, yeah feed by the feeling work great too
@MisterSix,sounds great. To be honest i never measure the ppm......iam more that kinda " belly-Grower" i dont know if that word exists in english. Iam looking at the plant and at the feeding chart and decide what they get and how much .
@Mrs_Larimar, sure i've purchase the kool bloom from GH + with overdrive for the last couple week of bloom right now i'm feeding 1500 ppm AN line it is ok ?
Mrs_Larimarweek 10
you can always give your girl benefical stuff like silica and molasses. Silica and calcium help her to get a strong girl, shes already huge, and she will pack up more plantmaterial, silica strenghten her connective tissue
@MisterSix,thats great!!! silica is for all livig beeings, its for the connective tissue..
@Mrs_Larimar, hi what is the benefit of silica i have rhino skin from AN and have not use it yet it contain silica inside ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
Mrs_Larimarweek 14
OMG... sheees big. looking great. And i agree Silica is good stuff for the cellular tissue of the PLant
@Mrs_Larimar, yeah it make the stem stronger, when she flipped in the 2nd week her branches is fall to one side because of the fast stretch. And rhino skin help it
Mrs_Larimarweek 10
She looks nice, dont miss it to give her in the trasition to flower and until the stretch takes grow nutrition, you can reduce it with the coming weeks and stop around week 3 or 4, or just follow the nutrition schedule. atm they got enough p and k
@Mrs_Larimar, yay it look pretty nice right now. I just want to put more PK in the mid to late stage of flowering. This is the only time i can get my tent to around 30 celcius i want to see the full potential product of this plant ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘
YellowGrowweek 21
Nice attempt!! Need to learn from this pale ;)
@YellowGrow, thanks man i tried my best with this harsh condition ๐Ÿ‘ still learning till now โค๏ธ
Gardener_of_Goodnessweek 18
She may be taking her time but isnโ€™t she a beaut! Great work! Patience is a virtue! The results will be worth it ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ˜Ž
@Gardener_of_Goodness, i'll be patience & give her sometime. I think that the environment is the main problem here, yeah but she look nice i wouldn't feel disappoint
DankGardenerweek 10
If the plant doesnโ€™t need it, adding a supplement can sometimes do nothing, or even worse it could hurt your plant. For example, if you add a PK booster when youโ€™re already giving full strength base flowering nutrients, you could burn or even kill your plants! Pk Boosters and Shooting Powderd โ€“ With this type of supplement, the main ingredients are just Phosphorus and Potassium because they are important for flowering. These also sometimes contain some amount of sulfur. In general, use these sparingly as theyโ€™re usually very potent! And donโ€™t forget that every quality base Bloom nutrient should already contain plenty of P and K. Giving relatively low levels of Nitrogen during the flowering stage helps buds fatten up.
@DankGardener, thanks for the recommendation my plan is to use the booster from week 4 of flower add with reduced nutes to make sure it is not burn. If it ok or i give it the full strength and add pk booster. I will feel the plant and feed it by the feeling๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
MagicMikesMedsweek 1
Hey man best of luck with your 2nd grow. You picked a very โ€œuser friendlyโ€ strain to grow that should provide you with great results in your environment. Iโ€™m currently growing the same strain for the 1st time, and honestly it has been one of the easy strains that I have ever grown. The strain responds very well to topping, super-cropping, bending and flowers on the faster side. I grow via Recirculating Deep Water Culture hydroponics, and have some pretty good experience under my belt. Feel free to ask any questions that you might have. If you want to see what Critical looks like from seedling through the first 2 weeks of flower in my hydro setup Iโ€™ve included a link below: Best of luck!!!
@MagicMikesMeds, Thanks for your advice man, i think i'll try to mainlining it since it's a hobby grow and i want to keep it small, i have other plant in tent. sure i will check it out ๐Ÿค˜
x4N0NYM0US_420week 21
Good job mister! ๐Ÿ’ช
live_cannaweek 20
Nice! She is massive and yielded some nice amounts! I have 2 x Critical Autos I am keen to try soon also
AsNoriuweek 19
More darkness - higher humidity... Have in mind. Very nice girl !
EZgrowerweek 19
Happy WEED-MAS! subscribed and watching your grow.๐Ÿ‘
Mrs_Larimarweek 14
You got to see this ,@James
MagicMikesMedsweek 1
Mainlining cannabis plants is fun. Every plant that I have mainlined has turned into a monster.
GreenVikingweek 21
This must be a very sativa phenom or how one say it, i grow critical aswell and dosnt like look yours and was much faster in develop buds im gonna post whole thing when its done and such since where i live its not exactly legal to water some plants lol ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚
ILoVeThiSpLaNtweek 11
quando la toppi appena i due rami iniziano a crescere con le dita modellali e tienili al pari di quelli che stanno salendo.Poi leghi i rami al bordo del vaso tutti allo stesso livello :)