whopeecommentedweek 125 years ago
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, Yes man, they are, right you are... :)
Thanks for you being keeping in touch with us!
I would appreciate that much if you could expand your idea on feeding.
Since 3rd week I feed these "2 girls inna 1 pot" with 2L of solution 1/3 days (including the day of feeding). So we can say 2L for 3 days they got there.
* As you all told me to prepare for Nuts_cut_off & Flushing period I decided to check what's up with my Runoff, so I checked it these last 2 feedings.
It took me ~2.5L of RO_water (15-20ppm) to get runoff:
- after feeding with 1000 ppm (+30% PK) 3 waterings ago I got: 630ppm / 6.5ph
- after next one with 1200-1300 ppm (+15%N / +30%PK) I got: 660ppm / 6.1ph
- so the last one like yesterday I gave the same amounts of 1300 ppm.
Speaking about 700-900 ppm you advise, what should I cut off? N/P/K together by the same %, or PK only? My current P/N ratio = 240% (I give not many N, but still > by 15-20% than many other charts say by this stage).
Asking this to receive the goal we were speaking about - "they can give me more" :D
The Pros that tell me not to give much less:
- there are 2 plants in a pot;
- the runoff ppm didn't rise much after I gave +300ppm of Nuts;
- nowadays I flush 2.5L before using Nuts solution, so as I suppose, those 1300ppm can be considered like diluted by some% (when I feed 2L after that flushing - I get about 1.3 back out as the soil is already wet and the drainage is perfect).
Maybe I should stop those regular flushing before feedings and just give less ppm like you advised? I understand that with flushing I loose some of my Soil resources & mb even microbes while cleaning it from salt buildups as well.
Need your tips, Dude :)
Thanks in advance!