She's got some long internode spacing, I would assume it's because of her distance to the light. There's another QB96 coming hopefully on day 36, I'll then have 300watts spread over the whole tent rather than 200w in the middle (I need a PAR sensor!)
I think I have the gnats under control and she is looking healthier now. Weed tolerates vinegar MUCH better than the sugar snap pea does (although I have 3 peas ripening and many more coming!)
Begun LST on day 29 to get her closer to the light, readjusted on day 33 to spread her out.
Had a huge humidity dip due to the moisture in the air outside freezing..
@Mr_Weeds_Autos, I love it so much! It's a great way to test out new genetics and a great way to add "free" weed to the stash!
Thanks for the kind words! 😊