Southern California simmered in weather advisory level heat this last week with temperatures over 100 F even in coastal areas. I ran a DIY bucket swamp cooler to lower heat to 87-90 F in the space while raising the humidity.
I also chose to transplant just before the heat really intensified, probably in good service of the plant. This plant was wilting in the evening after a morning watering, and so I figured it was time! I then headed south to San Diego for 4 days, leaving my adult spawn to care for my plants with strict instructions of bottled ro water plus a measured amount of Cal- Mag. When I returned, the heat wave had ended and this plant exploded with growth over just 4 days. I’m very happy with the stem and leaf color and texture as well as the way the leaves are piontimg up towards the light as if happily singing the “waaaaaaa” noise that goes with the HBO logo that you all know from watching Thrones and The Wire.
On transplant I continue to use EB Stone Formula 420 Soil ammended with approximately 1/2 gallon of perlite and a handful of worm castings per 3.5 gallon pot. I took time to thoroughly mix and break up compacted soil with my hands, moistened the soil with ro water plus Cal-Mag, humic acid and root microbes. I made a hole for the plant, sprinkled with mycorrhizae and microbes and snuggling the roots in. The roots were nicely developed.
My transplant was much easier thanks to a tip from @GardenofAutos who slips her airpots into a pair of pantyhose to help contain dirt that escapes through the holes. Just tie off the legs and voila!, your plants are stylin’!
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, It was looking beautiful until it went from 78F-100F for about week. I was not using anything but mycorrhizae, microbes, humic, mild cal-mag & ro water because the soil has nutrients. I had just transpanted though and that’s also when the bugs moved in. I will be extra gentle next time though! Thank you. I’m doing airpots through my entire next grow because transplanting from them is really easy. I went from cloth pots to the large air pot and it wasn’t easy to extricate the plant (but I was gentle!).