Week 2
D1 27/9/17 - Everything looks good aside from the cotyledon curling i am unsure about.
D2 28/9/17 - Small amount of growth cotyledons still curled.
D3 29/9/17 - New growth appearing for second set of nodes
D4 30/9/17 - Not much change from day 3
D5 1/10/17 - Again small growth from previous day but only on left side is this a sign of something bad?
D6 2/10/17 -Left hand side node still growing more than the right. decided to feed her today. 1 ml/L of both bio-bloom and cal-mag. feel like growth has definitely reduced in speed or maybe i am just impatient already haha.
D7 3/10/17 - Right side catching up, definetly me overthinking haha. Leaves seem to be a bit pale
As it is your first grow I suggest to start in DemakUp cottons and put them in soil when you see the germ.
Using nutrients in this early stage is not really recommended... I know how new growers could be excited to use their nutrients like Masters ... I personally use seeds boosters and roots boosters, like trichoderma, mycorrhizae, lignosulfonate on young seedlings but never nutrients ☝️
A young seedling doesn't need nootz as she gots everything in the cotyledons ( called feeding leaves or embryos ). But you can boost seedlings with roots boosters with no problem for your young babies.
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, would you recommend using something like biobizz root juice as early as day 2-3? What quantity considering the recommended dosage is 4ml/l?
That is severe nute lock out tbh bro there is nothing u can do about it 4 weeks in shes done i wouldnt even waste nomore money are time if u was to let it go u will get under 7 grams u can let it go and just learn but u beating a dead horse i can promise its not worth the effort there is to many deficiencys to make this a postive just learn from your mistakes homie😧😧✌️✌️
@MUDBUG, strip them as in full leaf of just damaged area? thanks for the tips i really appreciate it, received a Super Iced Grapefruit seed today. went non auto flower this time so it will transport better and if i make a cock up its not the end of the world aha :) still going to continue with both of these though so do not fret!
@beano,I would strip the dead leaves off i missed the last pic u had up for sum odd reason but u can still get a lil bit out her get her sum vitamins and u would be suprized with cal-mag might be your answer to save her 😧😧✌️✌️✍️✍️
Hi, good Luck. However you shouldn't be using biobizz grow so early. The seedling can't handle it, it might burn before breaking out.
Also, Roots are light sensitive. Cover up that plastic, or even better, switch to the big pot asap. Autos don't like transplant.
@JUNGLE_B4RNS,at the moment I've just been maintaining a 6-6.5 ph in the mix of 1ml/l. Don't get me wrong I ain't watering often At all, the only sort of watering they get on a regular basis is some water sprayed into the tent for humidity. Like it hasn't had any more than 300ml of soloution in it so far
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, I Am using biogrow, 1ML/L earlier on in the threads i just clicked the wrong biobizz product. so you think its still purely from overwatering, i thought the tips were a sign of something different. PS thanks for answering
Im well aware the biobizz shouldnt of been used and it was a genuine mistake, however ive just came home from work and it seems that the seed is sprouting!
@JUNGLE_B4RNS, haha, yes it does! ive got another little plant growing as well from a seed i found under the couch, its about a week ahead and is looking great(cant be sure its female yet) I can post some photos on the next week :D