11/11 - Day 46 - it's crazy to me how quickly she thickens back up! I just gave her that huge haircut but she's getting bushy again already. Not going to mess with her for a while though, at most some leaf tucking. Looking good otherwise, still showing signs of too much nitrogen but besides that, healthy and starting to smell nice as well.
11/13 - Day 48 - no pics today but watered, back to 1/4 strength trio and then did 1/2 strength of big bud and voodoo juice, and a bit of carboload as well. She's still so crazy bushy. Not growing upwards much but I don't want to stress her more and defoliate again! I tried some leaf tucking but I still worry that I'll end up with a lot of little popcorn nugs because there's no way a lot of light is penetrating. I'll keep an eye on it and reassess in a few days.
I’m growing out a Livers now too, She is super cal mag hungry. Looks like she is mad but isn’t that like a stubborn girl... plus the stubborn ones are usually worth it 😜