Seeds were all started with a 12 hour soak in distilled water, then placed in paper towels til tap roots appeared. Seedlings were then planted in solo cups fillled with lightly watered promix hp under 2X30 watt LED lights...all 6 Quick Kush sprouted within 2 days while the Remo took 2-3 days longer with 1 seed not sprouting...for the first week they got water, day 12 all Quick Kush were fed lightly with VeloKelp, today all 5 Remo were fed lightly with VeloKelp as well...
@DinafemSeeds, yes the QK responded really well to topping as did the one RC...I left the other 4 RC alone because I felt they were too small and didn't want to further impede their growth with topping shock👍
Remo Chemo and Quick Kush being grown with Remo nutrients 👍
That's a match made in heaven and a grow we will be watching with interest 🤗
Good luck my friend 👍 Let's see what you can do 👊
All the best ✌️