
Blue Dream Auto

5 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 13
20 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
1+ nutrients after
Commented by
5 years ago
She is one or two days away from the chop. I want her trichromes to be mostly cloudy with as little amber as possible. I think tomorrow might be the day.
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Grow Questions
KUSH01started grow question 5 years ago
i had this new seedling directly under a 400 watt hps at about 2-3 feet and noticed the leafs curling up. I removed it off an elevated tray thereby increasing distance and moved it to the periphery of the hps. is this a problem due to excessive heat or light or something else?
Leaves. Curl up
MarcXLanswered grow question 5 years ago
If you get problems like described you should put more distance between the light and the plant. Use your hand to feel the heat at plant height. If the temp is comfortable for you over a minute it should also do for your plant, maybe add 5cm to that distance the first week. But to save energy and to be more eficcient i would recommend an LED Board with 6500k diodes and about 60W power, depending on your grow space. You get a good, efficient light for veg that way who normally don´t caus heat problems.

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Mrs_Larimarweek 2
Hi, you dont need a dehumifidier,, your rh is fine.. i let you a vpd chart here, it shows the optimal rh / according to the temps and the stage of grow
Mrs_Larimarweek 1
Well , its to early to see if she gets any damage or not. but 2-3 feet distance sounds good to me. Iam using very small lights for my seedlings ( 2x26 watt Led) those small lights i can put quite close on my seedling without hurting them , Because the Led is quite cold. For later you have to find out the right distance for the girl and your light. If you are to close your girl is " dwarfing" under the Light , grows very dense with a small internodial diatance. If you are to far away your girl stretches and has a biig internodial distance. So first grow is alittle challenging. You havent made it easy to yourself, in growing in a unknown envoirement, and using coco.... to it will be a very educational grow... Stay strong.. and for further questions just ask
Fast_Budsweek 1
Hey there! Glad to see you got a diary going, thanks so much for growing Fast Buds 🙌🏼 If you need any assistance, don't hesitate to let us know! Happy Growing! 💚🌱
@KUSH01, Many growers start with rhizotonic the first week. You can start in small doses then work your way up. Let us know how it goes!
@Fast_Buds, Hi, Thanks for the comment. Im growing it in 70/30 coco perlite mix I was wondering when can I add rhizotonic solution for the seedling? I dont want to add it too soon but i would like to stimulate the root growth as early as possible.And how much of a solution like this should i add. Its already been planted in my final container (5 gal fabric pot) and im worried it will build up in my medium since im not watering to run off till i hit around day 14. Should i wait till day 14 or is it okay to add it around day 4-5.
Jwjohweek 7
Pistils turning brownish isn't a problem. I thought my first time around that this meant it was close to being done flowering. Doesn't mean that either! It just happens. They will probably get swallowed up by more white pistils as the buds grow, and then those will turn brown, and then get covered up again, etc
@Jwjoh, that makes sense in some cases a whole bud site became brown I thought it was odd and started thinking possible pollination lol thank you for the reassurance in this last period of growth im really worried about messing something up its a first grow so it helps getting opinions on the plants as theyre growing through their stages
Stickweek 1
Hi @KUSH01! Pretty simple: HPS are not made for small seedlings, and 400w is way too much for the first days of the plant. Using a 400w HPS on small babies will result in heat stress & light stress. Hope this will help, let me know in the comments section if you need any further information. Happy growing! 👊
@Stick , thank you for your reply. As a person with only a 400W to start seedlings what can I do to lessen the stress on the plant. At the moment it looks better it has flattened out abit and I think is just abit early to tell if its having a major impact. But like u said if it's just a bad practice and will cause growth problems to my plant I would like to lower the stress even if there isn't any other options. My grow space is fairly large would moving the plant away from the light lesson the stress or just cause it to stretch? Btw this might be stupid to ask would it help if I was to put 6 seedlings under the 400watt hps as opposed to just one
Mr_Weeds_Autosweek 12
I would let the trichomes get more milky to get the high your looking for ... Say 3 weeks left my friend.
@KUSH01, No problem, and they'll be more milky by then. It actually takes trichomes a lot longer to change then most people think. You Got this ...
@Mr_Weeds_Autos, Ok so everything but the larger buds should be milky? I'll wait for the larger buds to have 20-30 amber in each shot. My only worry is having too many clear trichromes. Thank you for the advice I appreciate you taking the time to look and comment.
@KUSH01, Well for the Sativa high you actually want 20-30% amber trichomes on your larger buds and the rest of them milky. Since you've already started flushing, flush for another week and she should be ready my friend.
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WisdomCulture420week 4
Good luck buddy and good growth