Day 14 since I started counting for this adopted Super Silver Haze clone. The transplant shock slowed this plant down, as stated the crummy soil choice by the breeder made for a bad repotting. It is growing, and it one of my bigger vegging plants. No worries as of this time. I gave everyone in here a very diluted feeding of 24-8-16 All Purpose Miracle Grow plant food. I went way light, as a means to see the progress of the all the plants and stay ahead of deficiencies. You can see the slow journey on this one from purple and sickly stem to fresh and green.
Nevermind all the clones up for adoption. Its getting crowded!
@I_and_I, exciting! This is the first clone I have received from outside of my friend group/purchases. I know literally nothing about this strain nor have ever vaped it.