Over the past week, I have only been giving it straight water to get everything flushed out. The only thing added has been a little bit of PH down, just to get it in the 6.0 range. Leaves are ridiculously yellow, and some are crispy. I removed anything that was dead and easily removed. If it didn't practically fall off on its own, it's still on. Really opened up the center of the plant, so now all those buds that were hidden, can get some light to ripen up over the next week. Smell is getting very strong, but not a scent I can specify. Gave him 2L on the 5th, another 2L on the 6th, then a full 4L today. No runoff, so I have been greatly under watering this darn thing. Shoot. Well, now I know for next time. Hopefully that soak helps it out. Peaceout Mosuckas
Looking good, man. I like the tight node spacing, and the leaves are looking very healthy. I am also growing Quarter Pounder from Canuk, check it out sometime! I'm gonna follow this.