Since my last post just over a week ago, I have transplanted from solo cups to their final 3gal home and they have more than doubled in size, which is great to see. Looking healthy and no major complaints or issues. On their 3 week anniversary, I decided to start giving them nutrients, just 1/3 recommended dosage of Fox Farm Big Bloom. I read that you should start off with 1/4 - 1/2 dosage just to make sure you don't damage/kill them. It's now been 2 days since the nutrient watering, and I don't see any nute burn or signs of concern. Looks like they liked it! Will bump up to 1/2 dosage for next watering.
I did have a moment of concern a few days ago, which was just 2 days after I transplanted. The cotyledons began to turn yellow, drooped down, and looked like they were dying and going to fall off! I rushed to the forums to see what was going on, thinking I did something wrong with the transplant, but as I'm sure you're all aware, this is totally normal. Whew!