Esta semana que paso he aplicado presión a uno de los amarres de la cola principal y no me he percatado que casi se parte en la mitad, el día 29 he soltado el amarre y he visto que tiene un hoyo en el lugar donde se incrusto la cuerda , la planta se ha curado aun que creo que se ha retrasado en altura debido al stress producido, ahora tiene una forma extraña pero aun asi ha empezado a florear, el cambio de luz se hizo el dia 29.👍👊🙏😎
This week that happened I have applied pressure to one of the moorings of the main tail and I have not noticed that it almost split in half, on the 29th I have released the mooring and I have seen that it has a hole in the place where the rope, the plant has been cured even though I think it has been delayed in height due to the stress produced, now it has a strange shape but still it has begun to bloom, the change of light was made on the 29th.😵