Gonna have to get the irrigation system up and running, this garden consumes about 5 gallons of water a day. Harvested most of the lettuce. Ended up with about 6-7 1-gallon bags full. Moved things around to give the tomato's and cabbage and kale more room. Pretty sure I planted a cauliflower, at least that's what the plant's flower seems to appear as. Harvested 6 or so thumb sized bundles of dill, hung to dry and now on a wire rack till the stems snap then stripped and bagged. Topped the oregano and ended up with a couple handfuls, currently drying alongside the dill. Watermelon is taking off now and will need more room soon, I'm hoping most of the kale will be ready in the next few weeks and open up some much needed space. Not sure when the tomato plants will fruit but I'm sure they will fill up whatever space they occupy.
yeah man i appreciate that, in my humble opinion we're all better off the more of any kind of grow diary gets published, let's see how far we can take the format, why not other difficult flower or a 5 year long grow diary about a peyote cactus lmbo, i'm doing my shrooms but if i ever grow anything else i'll throw it up wtf not right? 🚀