Attack of the Aphids ! 😈😡😕
Each morning I carefully check the leaves of the plants. Making sure to check the underside of the leaves is important. Insects hide underneath, laying eggs. Telltales signs of insect activity can be found in different forms.
One morning this week I noted some damage on the Girl Scout Cookie plants. The majority of the damage was limited to one plant, with some leaves at the top of one of the ladies copping some very minor damage. Very quickly I identified the critters as aphids, seasonal Spring aphids running amuck through our garden ! They hide very well. After a thorough inspection I found a fair few aphids on and around the plants, nibbling the leaves at every chance they got.
With a mixture of molasses and water I watered the soil of the plants first, watering the leaves as well. I chopped off all of the leaves that were damaged. Insects such as these are unavoidable in an organic garden which has a lot going on.
Knowing how to identify and manage their presence is a key to growing successfully.
Yesterday we watered the ladies with some fish hydrosylate, molasses and Fulvic 1400. They look healthy for it. Today I top dressed the soil with some worm castings, watering them with some plain water.
I will avoid adding anything except for water for a bit. I feel confident that I've nailed it.
Still very impressive plants whose uniformity is really impressing me. There is an intense odour going on when rubbing the stem.