Foliar feeding is great but you don't want that to be your primary source of feeding. If you actively foliar feed daily or every other day or whatever your root system isnt going to progress at the desired rate because the plant doesnt need to expand its root system throughout the pot to find more food to uptake. Daily foliar spraying is great during cloning or if you're fighting off pests/moulds/mildew/etc but you're better off to spray once or twice a week if you like and let your plant feed primarily through its root system. You should also bring your solution temperature up. Optimal temps for solution is between 21-24 celcius. Bring your day time temps up to the 24-28 celcius range and run your night time temps 3 to 4 degrees celcius cooler. You can also try lowering your light a little bit. When you're in the sweet spot with your lamp distance to the canopy and youre feeding regiment is on point your plants will look like they're praying during lights on. 🤘 hope that helps.